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Paige and I started to text a lot more after our little yoga hangout. We would get coffee together whenever Paige didn't have practice or we'd go on late night runs together. We would just spend whatever time we had together and it felt right. I also heard from Stacey that the new student athlete that I was supposed to tutor backed out, meaning that I would be more free with my schedule but I was also broke and needed money. 

I'd been slacking off the past few days, hanging out with Paige probably didn't help either but like Marlene was telling me, I needed a break. But also it felt horrible to not hang out with Paige. So when Paige texted me today to go get dinner together, I invited her over to my house to study instead. This way, I wouldn't be slacking off on my academics but I'd also get to see Paige. 

Soon enough, I hear a knock on our apartment and I run to open the door, after which I'm engulfed in a bear hug. 

"I missed you so much Cherry," Paige muttered into my shoulder. I hugged her back, her breath tickling me as she nuzzled her face between the crook of my neck. 

"What's wrong, did something happen?" I ask her cautiously. She was always touchy, but never to this extent. To this, Paige only nuzzled herself deeper into my neck. 

I sighed softly, trying to gently push her off of me. "Paige, you're leaning down so much, you're neck is gonna hurt later," I try to tell her, but she didn't budge. 

"It'll be worth it," She commented. 

I felt my back start to hurt from her leaning on me and we were still standing near my doorway, so I dragged Paige along with me, closing the door before I moved to the couch, still hugging her. When we were finally seated, she separated from me.

I took her face in my hands. Her bright blue eyes looked tired now and it hurt to see.

"We should just watch a movie today, we can study later," I tell her, taking my hands off her face, but Paige catches hold of them again. 

"What? No," She shakes her head. "I know you said you were falling behind on assignments, I don't want to distract you from your classes."

"But you're--"

"I'm being a baby and you are going to study for your orgo quiz tomorrow."

I sigh. There was no winning with her. "At least tell me what's got you upset?"

Paige smiles, "Just a rough practice, Geno was a little moody today."


Paige leans forward, giving me a peck on the cheek, "Promise."

I blush, my heart beating loud as she leans her head on my shoulder. "But I think we can stay like this for a bit, before you do your work don't you think?" She asks me. 

I ruffle her hair, grabbing my laptop from my bag that was conveniently on the floor next to me. "Or I'll just do my work while you rest."

I felt Paige smile against my neck, "As long I don't have to move, you can do whatever you want."

My neck was definitely sore after two hours of craning it reading my orgo textbook while Paige fell fully asleep on it. But I really didn't mind. I tried to wake Paige up, but she only whined in response. 

"Do you want to stay the night?" I ask her. "Marlene is going out with her friends tonight, so she's probably not coming back home."

"If you're okay with it," she mumbled.

"Okay, sleepyhead," I state, moving her head away before she finally opened her eyes. I massage my neck for a bit before, holding Paige's hand and taking her to my room.

"You can sleep on my bed," I tell her. "I'll take the sofa."

But before I start to leave, she grabs my hand, making me turn around. 


I smile softly, "I'll join you after I wash up."


Marlene added Nika and Azzi to OPERATION IDIOTS 


No way, they literally don't need our help




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No way is Paige the small spoon 😂😂


No because Cerise tells me how great of a friend Paige is after this


They def need our help


Whatever you say Mars, whatever you say


Well Paige is into her 100%


I'm sure cerise is too, but that girl is just in denial

She's not gonna be making the first move


Paige's been making her feelings a little too clear lmao

Cerise has to make the next move


ahhhhh you're right

I'll try to talk some sense into her today

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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