Chapter 1

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In my opinion I believe this will be a boring chapter.

"Peach Riot Figures?" My sister says puzzled

"Yea! You wanna unbox them with me?!" I say excitedly

"There from POP STORE?!! How much were these?!"

I divert my gaze I whisper "only 350$..."

"Huh?! Speak up Nini!" My sisters getting up into my face

"They were only like 350$ but it's no big deal"

"No big deal!!! You spent 2 months worth of your paychecks on figures?!!! Nini!"
My sister says trying to smack me while we go on a goose chase around the kitchen

"Ow! Why are you so mad?! It's not your money!" I say still running from her

"Cause you suppose to pay me back!"

"Oh yea, I forgot my bad" I say running up to my room and locking the door

"Hey! Get your ass out here!"

"Can't. Gotta get ready for schooollllll"
I say as I quickly pick out my outfit

A red crop top with white Xs down the front and coffee colored pants with a reddish pink fade at the ends

Threw on my black belt and chains and my combat boots, I brush my hair and grab my bag and run downstairs

"Hey Tava can you put my figures in my room on my desk please and thank you! Ok byeeeee" I say as I grab my keys and quickly leave

"Hey wait-! I'm not your maid! Do it yourself!" I hear her yelling as I run to my car on the street, start the engine, wait a min and drive off to school.

As I was driving to school I stop by the gas station for an energy drink and some sour patch kids.

Standing in a long line for checkout, I pull out my phone and throw on my music and start scrolling on Pinterest

"Hey you listen to peach riot too?" I hear a voice from behind me

"Huh yea I do", I say turning around

A tall girl with dark black wolf cut with a red streak, black tee and ripped faded baggy blue jeans and black converse

"What's your favorite song from them?"

"Oh um probably battle fairy" I say Turning back around

"Really even tho it's there least popular song?"

"Yea what about it, it's just a song."

"I know just saying it's not that good."

I ignore what the girl said as I walked to the counter paid for my stuff and left

I get to school and go to my first class math. Ugh genuinely who likes math it's so boring.

I take my seat and pull out my notebook and sketchbook

I start doodling the art from peach riots covers

10 minutes later the bell rings and class starts

"Ok class before we begin we have a foreign exchange student from New York please make her feel welcome"

"Hello, I'm Aya Kiga"

I look up from my sketchbook and see it's the girl from the gas station.

I give her a death glare

"You can go sit by Nini over in the corner"

As she walks over to me you could tell the whole class was fixated all on her

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