Choso-- Summer Hair, Don't Care (fluff)

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(Reader described as having enough hair to put into buns just fyi)


Choso x gn!reader

Reader and Choso have the same hairstyle. Love and hijinks ensue !

Warnings: none

It was hot outside. Very, extremely, utterly hot. Summer had finally come around and with it, scorching temperatures. Thankfully it was the weekend so you didn't have to brave your commute in work clothes that would end up being sticky and sweaty before you even made it to your job. No, today was a day for letting loose and living life in carefree and well ventilated clothes. As you went through your morning routine, you contemplated all the things you could do with your days off. Even though being outside was akin to walking on the literal sun, you decided that the day could be best spent surviving the trip to somewhere fun and cool—the mall. After you chose your outfit, all that was left before heading out was what to do with your hair. You were tired of the same old hairstyles that everyone else seemed to be doing. Ponytails, braids, and half updos were fun, sure, but you wanted more from your hair today. Going straight to Pinterest, experimentation with a new style was the name of your game. You scrolled through endless photos of perfectly poised ponys and crazy curled coifs. You were almost ready to give up and go back to your tried and true style when something caught your eye.

"Double spiky buns, huh? Looks interesting," you mumbled to yourself, gathering the tools you needed. Your first attempt went well but the buns weren't quite even. The second attempt was somehow worse, the buns in totally different angles on the top of your head. By the third try, thankfully, you figured it out because if you hadn't, you were ready to just rip out your hair and go bald (your arms hurting from styling certainly didn't help). You took a minute to admire your work in the mirror and you were glad you got out of your comfort zone because you looked great! Satisfied, you grabbed your belongings and hopped on the next train to the mall. Everybody standing near you looked as miserable as you felt because of the heat and your knee anxiously bounced up and down as you anticipated your destination. You had never clamored off a train as fast as you did then to escape into the sweet release of the air conditioned mall. Once the cool air touched your skin, you immediately got goosebumps, but unlike the winter ones, you appreciated these. You stood next to the directory for a few moments, making a plan of attack for what stores you were going to check out. Like any mall, there was an overwhelming amount of choices and you were in no mood to strategize so you just started walking. Little did you know, there was a group that had just arrived after you doing that exact same thing.

"Chosoooooo I'm bored," complained Yuji, who was sprawled out on his bed. Usually the two boys slept in a lot later but the heat had them awake bright and early. Choso sighed as he took in the sight of his exasperated brother, running his fingers through his undone hair.

"Do you wanna stay home and play some board games?" he suggested, but Yuji shook his head.

"They're fun but I wanna go somewhere. It's too hot in these dorms."

Choso couldn't disagree with that. He didn't know how his brother withstood the heat in his room during this time of year. Maybe they could buy some fans while they were out.

"Get your shoes on. We're going to the mall."

Yuji immediately got up, a huge smile on his face.

"Great idea! I'll text Kugisaki and Fushiguro and ask if they wanna come too!"

As Choso began to put his hair up in his signature buns, he smiled softly at his younger brother's antics. He was so relieved that Yuji found people he could have fun and act his age with. Sure, they were all going to run off and leave him behind with the bags, but what else were older brothers for? Choso was grateful he was able to be there for Yuji and his friends. Yuji, in turn, noticed how lonely Choso would get without knowing people who were his (physical) age and hoped he could help him find romantic companionship or at least some friends to start. That thought is what the three high schoolers were talking about as they walked in the mall while Choso was blissfully unaware, his attention occupied with finding the nearest electronics store.

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