Teen!Nanami--I'll (TV) Show You How Much I Care (fluff)

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Teen!Nanami x gn!reader

Young Nanami and reader watch a tv show together!

Warnings: none

You anxiously tapped your pencil against your chin as you watched the clock tick slow as molasses. You couldn't wait until class was out of session. You and your boyfriend Kento Nanami were having a cozy night in tonight and you were beyond excited. It had been awhile since the two of you were able to spend quality time together so you wanted to do it right. You knew your plans were simple, cuddling while watching your favorite show, but you still needed to tidy up your dorm and go to the store to get snacks. When your teacher finally excused the class, you gathered your things quickly, wanting to waste no time. In your haste, you sent your calculator flying across your desk and began its descent to the floor. It probably would've broken on contact if not for the large hand that appeared out of thin air and grabbed it before it touched the ground.

"For you," said your blonde savior, handing it back to you. You giggled a bit. Nanami was always so serious, even in matters of classroom mishaps. That was one of the reasons you were drawn to him, though. His mature personality was a rarity amongst high schoolers and you considered yourself lucky that someone like him wanted to be with you.

"Thank you Kento. I was thinking you could come over tonight at like 8:30? I was hoping to have you earlier but I still have to get food and clean my dorm."

"I'll get the snacks and you clean. Then I can see you sooner."

You blushed at his words, happy that he was just as excited to hang out with you as you were with him. You nodded in agreement and you two went separate ways to get ready for date night.

A few hours later, both you and your dorm were freshly cleaned. Nanami had texted you that he was on his way over to your room with the food and you were giddy, getting your big fluffy blankets ready for snuggling. He finally knocked on your door and you helped him with the food he brought, laying it out on the table near your couch. When everything was organized, you finally gave him a proper hello with a long, passionate kiss. You had your arms wrapped around his neck while he rested his hands on your waist. Both of you had been waiting for this time alone and now that it was finally here, you were going to make the most of it. When you finally parted from the kiss, both panting slightly, you both wore warm smiles.

"Alright. Grab some snackies and let's watch our show!" you exclaimed, getting a handful of packaged food and drinks and getting lost under the blankets. Nanami watched your antics with a shake of his head. He loved how you were sillier than he was because you taught him how to relax and have fun in moments like these. He selected a few less snacks and drinks than you did (it would be rude to grab an armful in someone else's residence) and sat down next to you, careful not to land on your body or food items.

"Whatcha in the mood to watch?" you asked, remote in hand. Quite honestly, he wasn't sure. He would be content staring at you all night if he could. However, he recognized that would be an inadequate answer to your question.

"I'm not sure. Maybe a... cooking show?"

Your eyes lit up.

"Yes! I love those! Do you want an intense one or more relaxed?"

"Relaxed please."

"I know just the one," you said, turning on The Great British Bake Off. Soon the dark room you were in was filled with the bright colors of delicious United Kingdom desserts. Even as the first bake of the show was done and he was throughly enjoying his time with you, he was still a bit rigid with his mannerisms—he was sitting up politely and had the blanket resting only up to his thighs. He wanted nothing more than to get as close to you as possible but he was still new to all this relationship and touchy feely stuff. Luckily, you weren't afraid to initiate physical contact. You wanted to get as close to Nanami as physically possible—like the you-two-were-merged-as-one kind of close.

"C'mon over," you said, patting the empty space next to your leg. Nanami hesitated a bit, but did what he was told. He was still too far from you for your liking, though.

"Kento. You can come closer. It's okay, I don't bite," you said, laughing. "Unless that's something you're into." You gave him a cheesy wink, making him turn his face away from you for a moment to gather his now frazzled thoughts.

"I don't know why you say things like that," he mumbled while you continued to laugh. You liked to get a rise out of him, he was cute when he was flustered. When you both settled down once more, you decided to make your move. You tapped him on the arm.


He obliged, interested to see what you were going to do with his lifted arm. You rested your blanket clad body against his chest and brought his arm back down around your shoulder.

"Is this okay?" you questioned and he answered with an immediate "yes." He never knew he could feel so wanted, so loved, by partaking in something so simple.

"Good," you whispered, eyes going back to the tv. Nanami cleared his throat nervously and got lost in the show as well. By the end of the show's second bake, Nanami surprised you in two ways—one, he was able to relax with your touch instead of tensing up, and two, he was extremely judgmental when it came to cooking competitions. When an unfortunate looking cake came on screen, he audibly scoffed.

"I can't believe he would send that up to be judged. What an embarrassment."

"Oh? You could do better?" you mused.

"Actually, I believe I could," he said, smugness all over his face.

"I'll hold you to that, Nanami Kento. I think this weekend you're going to make me the best Prinzregententorte this world has ever tasted."

"I'll be honored to make you such a dessert, but I can assure you, it won't be any sweeter than you are."

"Kento!" you said, playfully swatting his chest, "You've been holding out on me. You have serious game!" You both got lost in laughter once more. Nanami didn't think he had "game" or "charisma" or anything of the sort; he just spoke the truth. There was nothing in this world sweeter than you, his partner, and you deserved to know that. After more snacks were devoured, drinks finished, and contestants eliminated, Nanami noticed you were uncharacteristically quiet. You had fallen asleep! He broke out into a smile, grateful that you were comfortable enough around him (and on him!) to be in such a restful state. He leaned over to press the power button on the remote, careful not to disturb you. Since he would literally rather die than wake you up, he knew he should try to fall asleep too. The last thing he did that night before sleeping was kiss the top of your head.

"I love you y/n," he said, his words as quiet as your soft snores.

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