♡ Chapter 2 : Newcomers ♡

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" Who are you? "

Suza stared at the colored bunch tiredly. She wasn't fully awake but still heard a slightly high-pitched voice. She rubbed her eyes to see better and realised what was happening :

" Ah, hello, dear class 1-A ! I'm Suza, and these are Kaido and Eji, "she introduced while pointing at them.

" Huh ? How did you get access to our dorms ? " a brown haired girl asked.

" I see, your teacher didn't tell you yet, " Suza sighted.

" Tell us what, extra ? " a spiky, blond haired boy questioned angrily.

" Well, you see, we are visitors in some sort of way. Your school provided us shelter for the time, and in exchange, we must take part in the hero course, " she explained.

" But isn't it unfair ? You entered the course without taking the entrance exam, *kero* " a frog looking girl said.

" They probably paid them, " the blond boy grumbled.

" How disrespectful, Bakugo ! UA wouldn't do such a thing, " a blue haired boy responded.

The class continued to make assumptions on how they easily got into the course, even though Suza had already told them the answer. But, they didn't believe her. So tiring, she thought. As she was about to lay back down, screaming was heard, and Kaido and Eji woke up as well. Welp, I guess there's no going back now, she pondered. Her eyes directed back towards the class, and she saw Midoriya and Bakugo fighting while the rest of them were either begging them to stop or cheering. She cleared her throat, which caught their attention, thankfully :

" Not to bother, but would you mind if I cook something ? " she asked.

" No worries, feel free to use it when you please ! " a raven haired girl replied.

She got up and motioned movements to Kaido and Eji to follow her. They understood the message and headed to the kitchen with her. Suza opened the drawer and saw instant noodles. While she was prepping dinner for them, Eji spoke :

" Hey, I think I know how we got here. "

" Really ! How ? " Suza asked.

" You know when we were in the cafeteria ? We made that wish. It surely is the reason why we are here. "

" OK, I get that part. That also means we wished to escape reality, which is understandable. But why BNHA ? "

Kaido coughed. " I may or may not have been thinking of BNHA at that exact moment. " he said, looking sheepishly.

" Ah ! It makes sense now. I guess we just have to make a wish again to go back ! " Suza replied.

" That's not going to be an option. " Eji interjected. " I already tried, and the stone we wished upon didn't glow like last. It's probably out of magic and needs time to recharge. But I don't know for how long. "

" Guys ! Don't get all gloomy on me ! Let's enjoy this for the time being. " Kaido encouraged.

Suza and Eji looked at each other and then nodded. The boy was right. In fact, they were the ones who wished to escape from reality, so why not take this opportunity ?
The trio started eating their food when the kitchen was suddenly crowded with people :

" Hah ? You only made food for yourselves ? Selfish extras. " the spiky blond haired boy spat.

" Well, I'm sorry, Pomeranian, but we don't know each other enough for me to make food for you. I ain't your servant, so be a man and stop bothering me. " she bit back.

" WHY YOU- "

As he was about to hit her, his friends stopped him and held him back. He kept throwing insults her way, but she simply hummed in response. That, of course, irritated him more, so he let out a scoff and headed upstairs. Satisfied, Suza swiftly smiled at her success while Eji and Kaido were holding back their laughter. The rest of the class was ogling at them, surprised that Bakugo let them of the hook so easily. Though they knew he was probably plotting their funeral.

Dinner was awkward for the three travellers as class 1-A kept to themselves. But they couldn't balme them because they didn't even try to socialize as well, so they're were even. Once the clock hit 9:30pm, every single one of them went to their respective rooms and called it a night.

☆ The next morning was chaotic. It was 6:15, class started at 6:30, and Suza was still in bed. Suddenly, she heard multiple voices and knocking on her door :

" Yo, Suza ! Get your ass up already. You're late ! "

The young girl groaned and then crawled out of them tiredly. She took her sweet time in the bathroom and then went to get into the school uniform. She grabbed her satchel and exited her room. In the entrance, Eji and Kaido were waiting for her :

" Are you freaking serious ? Aizawa is going to kill us ! Kaido screeched, emphasising on the to.

" Meh, I couldn't care less. " she shrugged.

Kaido grumbled under his breath and dragged Suza out so that they could at least have a chance of being spared. Eji sighted in disappointment and followed them.
A few minutes later, the trio was in front of class 1-A's huge door. Quirks really are something, Suza thought. She looked at the door, feeling slightly intimidated. She took in a deep breath and then pushed the door, revealing a flashy, colored classroom that almost blinded her. The two other boys seemed to share the same feeling as they were covering their eyes with their hands. When they got accomsted to the light, they saw a tired Aizawa with awful eyebags and class 1-A, looking at them :

" Finally, you've decided to show up, huh ? " Aizawa said.

The trio bowed in an apolegic manner :

" We're so sorry, sir ! This won't happen again, we promise ! " Eji quickly responded back while Kaido glared at Suza, who was simply looking down.

" It better, " he snorted. " Introduce yourselves or whatever, as long as you don't disturb my sleep.
Aizawa got into his yellow sleeping bag and left Suza, Eji, and Kaido at class 1-A's mercy.
Shoot, this is going to be torture, Suza whined internally.


Author's notes :

And here's another chapter !
I should really establish a timetable for my publications TvT
Maybe once or twice a week, comment what you think is best !


Chaos in BNHAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora