JJK Characters and Songs that fit their Love Lives

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Fluff, Angst
Warnings: none, but some lyrics in the songs are a bit suggestive!!

Choso: I Wanna Be Yours by the Arctic Monkeys

Choso would do anything for his partner and would also be absolutely obsessed with them!! He would try to prove his worth at every given second and acts of service is for sure his love language. He'll be anything his partner want him to be, as long as they call him theirs.

Gojo: Boombastic by Shaggy

Y'all already KNOW this is Satoru's jam!! He's a chill dude that lives to please his partners, romantically and otherwise. Smooth like silk and can take rejection like a champ (though, let's be real, who's rejecting him?), he is Mr. Lover Lover!!

And here's a more serious one for him because I feel like people sometimes only focus on silly Gojo

Gojo Pt. 2: Hanging By a Moment by Lifehouse

Even though he has a happy go lucky side that usually shows, Satoru is a man that feels and cares so deeply. I feel like this song represents the part of him that's trying to find himself beyond being a strong jujutsu sorcerer and the right partner could help him through those anxieties. He would want a partner to live in the moment with him and be the missing pieces to each other's puzzles.

Geto: Roll to Me by Del Amitri

Suguru, though he's been through a loooot, still has a good heart imo. He would be there wholeheartedly for the person he wants to date. Like in the song, he'd be there day or night to talk or be ready to support the person whenever something goes wrong.

Shoko: My Friends Over You by New Found Glory

I had a younger Shoko in mind when I chose this song but I feel like it still kinda applies to older Shoko as well. If she was seeing someone, it most likely would be low commitment and not that serious. Her friends come first, always. If her partner was dragging her down and boring her, she'd have no problem cutting them off asap!

Nanami: My Heart I Surrender by I Prevail

If there's one thing I associate with Kento, it's YEARNING. Yearning for a life he truly wanted, yearning for the safety of the youth. Would it be fair to assume his love life follows that pattern? He wouldn't know if the person he liked returned his affection but that wouldn't stop him from giving away his whole heart as he waited for the answer.

Yuji: The Way You Are by Babe Patrol

Yuji is great for this song. He holds strong conviction for doing what's right and is always supporting those around him. As seen with Yuko, he appreciates people as they are and doesn't expect them to change or conform to arbitrary standards. He would love his partner for being completely, unabashedly themselves.

Nobara: Wake Me Up Before You Go Go by WHAM!

Nobara is filled with fun energy and loving (in her own way) vibes so using one of the literal meanings from this song, I would think she'd be so down to go dancing with her partner! I could also see her complaining of a fast heart rate around her crush since she's always hyped up and being around that person certainly wouldn't help.

Megumi: And I Love Her by Kurt Cobain

Megumi is a straightforward, low key moody, no nonsense man so this song is perfect for him. It doesn't dance around feelings at all and tells the audience like it is—a love between him and his partner will never die.

Panda: The Power of Love by New Found Glory

Panda has endless amounts of love for his friends and I know he believes in the power of love, 100%. He's surrounded by it every day—Yaga, his classmates, even his teachers. Panda has a lot of love to give and isn't afraid to show it!

Maki: SUGAR by Brockhampton

This song has a lot of lyrics that mention not needing anyone help and being able to do things individually and that's Maki's core belief. However, there are some mentions of learning to be okay leaning on a partner and I think that's how she'd be. If she ever opened up to a partner, it would have to be her and them against the world forever.

Toge: Josie by Blink 182

Inumaki would need a partner who was there for him, no matter what. Someone who would laugh at his jokes, because let's be honest, he's hilarious, and someone who would bring him food just because they remembered his order. He would also love someone who shares the same crazy sleep schedule he has so if they were up at 3am watching "Vacation," like mentioned in the song, that would be his dream.

Yuta: All 4 Love by Color Me Badd

This whole song SCREAAAMS YUTA!!! This certified lover boy would do anything for his partner and be their knight in shining (white) armor (jacket). He would never fail to tell his partner how lucky he is to have them and how attractive they are as well!!

Todo: She's So High by Tal Bachman

I am 1000% convinced Todo would treat his partner like royalty and hold them in the highest regards. His passion for literally everything is unmatched and I absolutely expect to see that in his love life. Like in the song, he would equate his partner to icons like Cleopatra and Aphrodite because he thinks so highly of them.

Mai: I'm Thru With Love by Marilyn Monroe

Mai is definitely through with love. I feel like she'd fall in love once and completely give up the idea of finding someone else if it didn't work out. She can't stand being vulnerable and warm to others so this song is high key perfect for her.

Noritoshi: If I Could Ride a Bike by Park Bird/Chevy

Noritoshi deserves better!! There, I said it!! My boy doesn't get enough love and that's reflected in this song choice. The pressure to be a perfect member of the Kamo clan is a lot for him and having a partner that fits those same standards to be accepted is impossible so he's left imagining what it would be like to love and be loved. I think he would want nothing more than to wake up and see his partner's smiling face looking back at him and be able to go on carefree adventures with them.

Kokichi: Heaven, Iowa by Fall Out Boy

Poor Kokichi :(( I went a bit literal with the relation of the lyrics "scar crossed lovers" since his whole body was littered with messed up skin but I do feel like this song captures his vibe well. I feel like he wouldn't ask anything of his partner and would just be beyond grateful he finally had someone there for him. He was doomed from birth with his heavenly restriction, thus having a dark outlook on life and further relating to the lyric "kiss my cheek, baby please, would you read my eulogy?" since I think he would like his partner to be there for him even after his death.

Miwa: Everywhere by Michelle Branch

I feel like Miwa is a hopeless romantic so she would relate to this song in that no matter what she does, it relates to her partner. No matter if it's closing her eyes to sleep or keeping her partner in her thoughts wherever she goes, Miwa has a big heart and just needs to be hugged!

Momo: One Love by It's Benzzo

I don't know much about Momo but I know she can't stand sexism so her partner would have to be open minded and kind, never failing to make her smile. She would just want someone to treat her right!

Yuki: Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer

This is the perfect song for Yuki imo. She seems like a flirtatious girl and would love a partner that went all out in romance for her. I think she'd like to get dressed up and then get swept off her feet every date night. Telling her partner to kiss her under the stars would be a great way for her to end the night!

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