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**Y/n's Point of View:**

I blinked sleepily as I slowly emerged from the depths of slumber. The aroma of something delicious wafted through the air, coaxing me further into wakefulness. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up in bed, trying to discern the source of the tantalizing scent.

As I made my way to the kitchen, my heart skipped a beat at the sight before me. There stood Alycia, wearing an apron and humming softly to herself as she flipped pancakes on the stove.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," she greeted me with a warm smile, her eyes twinkling with affection. "I hope you're hungry. I thought I'd surprise you with breakfast."

I couldn't help but stare in disbelief, my heart swelling with gratitude and love. Alycia, cooking for me? It was like a dream come true, a moment I never knew I needed until now.

As we sat down to eat, sharing stories and laughter over steaming plates of pancakes, I couldn't shake the feeling of overwhelming happiness that filled me to the brim. And as Alycia reached across the table to take my hand in hers, I knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful journey together.

**Alycia's Point of View:**

Waking up early had never been my strong suit, but today was different. Today, I had a surprise planned for Y/n, something special to show them just how much she meant to me.

I tiptoed into the kitchen, the smell of pancakes filling the air as I set to work. Cooking had always been a form of therapy for me, a way to express my love and affection in tangible form.

As the pancakes sizzled on the stove, I couldn't help but smile to myself, imagining the look of surprise on Y/n's face when she sees what I had prepared. She had been through so much lately, and I wanted nothing more than to make them smile.

When Y/n finally came out her room, bleary-eyed and disheveled, I couldn't contain my excitement. Seeing the look of surprise and delight on her face as she realized what I had done filled me with a sense of warmth and satisfaction unlike anything I had ever felt before.

And as we sat down to eat, sharing stories and laughter over plates of pancakes, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was gonna be my morning routine starting from now, happiness with her.

Guys writing in 1st person is actually so hard

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