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Alycia's day had been a whirlwind of meetings, scripts, and rehearsals. As she finally stepped through the door of her cozy apartment, exhaustion weighed heavily on her shoulders. But the moment she saw Y/n, her girlfriend, sitting on the couch with a warm smile, everything seemed to melt away.

Y/n sensed Alycia's fatigue and welcomed her with open arms. They nestled into each other, finding solace in the familiar embrace. The softness of Y/n's touch brought a sense of calm to Alycia's weary mind.

As they cuddled, Alycia noticed a subtle yet captivating scent wafting from Y/n's skin. It was a new perfume, delicate and alluring, wrapping around them like a comforting blanket.

"What's that scent?" Alycia murmured, nuzzling closer to Y/n.

Y/n chuckled softly, running her fingers through Alycia's hair. "It's a new one I picked up today. Do you like it?"

Alycia nodded, breathing in the fragrance deeply. "It's perfect," she whispered, feeling the tension of the day slowly dissolve.

They remained in each other's arms, basking in the warmth of their love and the intoxicating scent of the new perfume. In that moment, all the stress and exhaustion of the day faded into the background, leaving only the sweet comfort of home and the presence of the one they cherished most.

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