First Arriving

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I really really thought it was going to be normal. Well, as normal as it gets for me. It seemed to be getting harder to contain my powers. I hated it. But that changed when I first stepped through that portal.

I was just walking around town, as I usually do on the weekends, but that's when I saw the door. I had seen others like it before, each one was slightly different from the last, from different color, to simply a different pattern, but I always knew. It wanted to take me somewhere.

Last one I stepped through took me here, to a normal world. No magic, no monsters, nothing. Just, humans. It was easy, but also hard. If I made one wrong move, I could break someones brain. The only magic these humans had seen was movies or books. That was it. Nothing like me.

I hesitantly walked over to the door. It was a deep shade of red with a gold handle. I was debating whether to open it or not. 

If I went through, it might be a place where everything is easier. But, it also could be harder. More people to meet, more people to hurt. Someone might understand if they found out, someone might try to kill me if they found out. Each good thing had a bad counter-act, except for one. 


Here it was boring. Everyday lives led by everyday people. I was starting to go insane if I didn't get to do something exciting and exhilarating. That was the word that made me turn the handle and step through the door.

I was in a dark room now. What seemed to be a bedroom with the blinds closed. Stuff was scattered on the floor. Books, CDs, files, and more. This must've been the room my magic gave me. I fished my phone out of my pocket, knowing it would still be there.

"HOLY SHIT!!" The calendar had bright words that said Work 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. It was 9:00. I  was late for my job. A job I didn't know. It would come to me eventually. Seems like my magic is still working on that.

So I grabbed my jacket and ran out the door as fast as I could. Turned out I worked at a place called Baskin Robbins, an ice cream shop. The uniform was bright pink with a blue hat. Oh god. This was going to be a long few years.


Finally, it was 5:00. I was one of the last ones there, so I had to close up the shop. As much as it gave me a few minutes of silence, I didn't want to do it. So I slipped on my headphones and listened as music swirled around me, each note, each word, slipping into my mind, forming a beautiful noise. 

"REMAL!" I hear a voice yell over my music. I take off my headphones and look up. There was a girl standing in front of me, with white hair, I couldn't tell if it was dyed or natural, and soft blue eyes. Her smile was brighter than the sun and her clothes were pastel rainbows. "Geez, that's loud." I stare at her. Wow. She's really pretty. That's when it clicks. 

Her name is Letita, and she's my best friend. I've been crushing on her since, well, years ago. I smile.

"Sorry. I was kinda lost in my own world." 

She laughs, making butterflies swarm in my stomach. "Yeah I can tell. Anyways..." She stops talking. "Hey what's up with your hair? It's like, standing on edge." I run my hands through my hair. I can feel my magic. Shit.

"Oh. Huh. That's weird." I force it down. "Whatever. C'mon. I'm ready to go." I smile, and grab my jacket, exiting the building with Letita right next to me. We laugh and talk and it's nice. I haven't felt this way in a long time. We suddenly come to a fork in the road.

"Well, I'm this way." She says, pointing to the right. "So, see you tomorrow?" I smile and nod, and start walking the other way. I wonder what this world is like. Then I freeze. There's a TV right inside a building, that is obviously displayed for public. Well. There's the answer to my question.

There were, what, seven, eight, people running around fighting robots on the TV. One of them has a bow and arrow, another a shield, a suit, a LOT of guns, a hammer that coming out of it, a girl with magic, it's red, a boy that I can only catch glimpses of that's really fast, probably super-speed, (also Pietro doesn't die because I'm nice like that) and a giant green thing. 

The reporter calls them the Avengers, and their fighting someone, sorry, scratch that, a ROBOT called Ultron. Well. This is one weird place. Maybe, it won't be so bad. 

I smile all the way back to my house. But realizing that there's a magical wind swirling around me, I try and calm down. Luckily it works, and I'm able to sleep good for once. 

---S.H.E.I.L.D Headquarters---

Someone knocks on the door of Furys' office.

"Come in" He says, and Agent Coulson enters.

"Sir we have a sighting." He says, laying a file down on the table.

"Of what?" Fury takes the file curiously.


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