Well, that was news to him.

"Uh, yeah, Jackie - wanna be my best man?" Angel asked.

"Sure, whatever …" Jack started, but was drowned out by a sudden outburst from Sofi.

"You didn't ask him yet?" she practically shouted, forgetting for a second that she was trying to attract the Mercer boys with honey instead of her usual vinegar. "You're not taking this seriously."

"Baby, I forgot. A lot has been going on."

"Yeah, a lot of you sitting on your ass and ignoring me."

"I've tried. It's just --" Sofi held her hand up, cutting him off - it was a swift, well practiced move. Angel's shoulders slumped in defeat and Bobby started to shake his head.

"This is seriously the most fucked up relationship I've ever seen."

"Bobby, don't start in on that now," Angel sighed.

"Yeah, Bobby, stay out of things that don't concern you," she agreed, keeping her back to the oldest Mercer.

"It concerns me when you try to turn my baby brother into a fucking bridesmaid." Bobby shifted in his seat, making sure his elbow plowed deeper into her back.

Sofi dug her heel into the carpet and braced herself as Bobby tried to surreptitiously force her onto the floor. "As I was saying," she said through gritted teeth, "I need some help and I thought I'd ask you seeing as how you are the only member of this family with an ounce of creativity."

"She's sayin' you're a fairy, Jack," Bobby said dryly.

"I did not say that," she said but then turned her gaze on Jack and bit her lip. "But if you are, I have no problem with that. My brother is gay; you know you might --"

"Ugh," Jack groaned and sunk lower in his seat, hoping to disappear or at least wake up. This whole conversation was starting to rival some of his worst nightmares. "I am not gay. How many times do I have to say it?"

"Apparently a couple more. Real fucking nice, La Vida Loca, you ask a favor and insult the kid at the same time." Bobby was shaking his head in mock disappointment.

"¿Por què no te callas, pendejo?" she shot back.

Bobby grunted. "Poor Kay, my ass."

"Exactly," Sofi said triumphantly and turned back to Jack.

He held his hands up in surrender. "Fine, fine, whatever. I'll do it."

"Oh, gracias, Jack," she said, squealing with delight as she leaned over and gave him a sudden kiss on the cheek before sprinting back up the stairs.

"Shit," Jack said, absentmindedly rubbing his cheek, "what the hell did I just agree to?"

Bobby stood up and clapped a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Good luck, Cracker Jack. It's been nice knowin' ya."

"You're not going to leave me here with --" Jack shuddered.

Angel made of show of looking at his watch. "Damn, how did it get so late? I got, uh, stuff I need to do."

"Stuff?" Jack repeated, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, stuff," Angel replied. "You remember, Bobby? You were gonna help me with that stuff."

"Oh, shit – yeah, I almost forgot."

"Nice, guys. Way to abandon me." Jack crossed his arms and glared at his older brothers.

"Ah, I'd love to stick around and help you pick out color schemes and gay shit like that – but you know how Angel can get when it comes to his stuff," Bobby said with a laugh.

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