(2) Bullies Encounter

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We get to school and Cheryl guides me to the school office. She waits outside as I head on in and greet the secretary.

"Hi miss"

She looks up at me from her computer and smiles.

"Hiya, what can I do for ya?"

"I'm new. I just joined this school"

She looks at me and 'ah's'

"Ahh okay, could you please tell me your full name and age."

"My names Quinn Rae Hope and I'm 17."

She looks at her computer and types my name into the search bar. She finds my school profile and checks my details before printing out my lessons sheet and giving me my dorm key.

"Here you go...and if you are having any trouble finding your lessons, there will be student with these little gold badges on their blazers, you ask them. Okay?"

I nod at her at smile before walking away and back to Cheryl.

"So, what lessons you got?"

Cheryl asks me as I look down at my lessons sheet.

"I have maths, double english, history, science, pshe and phycology."

"Ah that is a terrible day. Double english? I would die. I hate English so much. It's so boringgg!"

I chuckle at her response. I agree. English is my least favourite subject. Everything I have today sucks...I guess pshe and phycology are 'okay' but I'd rather something fun like art or product design. Just a more enjoyable subject that isn't boring. Or hard.

"I know. I hate english too. It's honestly the worst subject out them all."

"For real."

Cheryl says as she nods her head. She then takes a look at my dorm key and checks the number...

"Oh girl..."

I tilt my head at Cheryl slightly confused. What was it? Was I put in a dorm with bad people?

"What's wrong?"

"That says dorm number 0828....that's Rebecca's dorm-"

I look at Cheryl with wide eyes. Rebecca's dorm?! I was freaking out and I haven't even met he girl yet! But based off of what she told me while walking to school...Rebecca's is not the girl I want to be roommates with!

"Rebecca's dorm!? What! Is she gonna hurt me!? Is she gonna be rude to me?!"

"Well...I don't know....she might. I guess you got put in her dorm because no one else is in it. Everyone whose been paired with Rebecca always ends up moving to another dorm...and I guess she was the only person to move in with as that's the only spot left...?"

I put my hands on Cheryl's shoulders and stare at her

"What will I do!? I'm probably not gonna even be able to move! There's probably no more rooms left! I'm gonna be stuck with her!"

Cheryl sighs and looks at me.

"You'll....be fine. I'm sure she won't do anything. Your new. She doesn't even know you. You haven't done anything bad for her to even get mad at you. I promise. Nothing will happen"

I look at Cheryl nervous about this. I already know Rebecca is not gonna be happy she has a new roommate...hopefully I won't bump into her throughout this school day. Wait...I'm gonna have to go there now! What if she's there! I need to unpack my stuff and....omg! Im freaking out!

"But im gonna have to go in there now...to unpack!"


Cheryl looks at me and scratches her head looking at the floor. She's realise the problem but sighs and looks back at me.

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