a cut of fate ✧*​᭄

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Kunikuzushi POV:

As they walked inside the scent of blood wafted his lungs again but he didn't say a word about it.

Maybe she looked back at him, maybe she didn't I mean if you were in a house that smelt of blood you would notice it wouldn't you? Either that or you're just dense.

He took a seat down on a cushion at a small table the home was at least furnished but visibly old you could see specs of dust fly with the flash of lightning

Kunikuzushi looked at his surroundings objects were shattered in pieces.

Two objects caught his interest the most a broken mirror and the dagger that she was holding

He eventually got used to the fresh smell of blood.

It smelt almost sweet

Comforting yet eerie

Like a lullaby sang by a broken doll

He smelt tea when she went into the other room so he just sat there and waiting taking off his kasa hat and placing it beside him and she came back with a tray of tea.

Third person POV:

She brought over the tray and placed it down and she froze for a second, she could see his face and as she saw before Kunikuzushi was beautiful.

She felt mesmerized but composed herself placing down the tray.

Kunikuzushi thanked her quietly she almost couldn't hear it but she nodded

The tea was cold

And it tasted bitter..

"I hope you don't mind the tea"

"No it's fine, in fact it's just how I like it"

"I see, I'm fond of most flavors this is just all we had"

She said we like there were other people that lived there yet there was no person in sight

"This human is crazy, maybe even schizophrenic"

But they both sat in silence until the girl spoke

"What's your name sir?"

"Why would you need to know"

"I'd like to know who's under the roof of my home if that's appreciated"


"What an odd name"

"How so?"

"Your name means to 'destroy a country' yet you don't seem like you could harm anyone not anything"

"That's your opinion, Now I'll ask the same to you what's your name miss?"


"I'll try to remember it I suppose"

"Your name is so long to say"

"What would you call me then, 'sir'?"


"Then what"

"How does Kuni sound?"


"Well that's your opinion so may I call you Kuni, sir?"

"Fine do as you wish Only if I get to call you (N/N)"

"I suppose it's only fair"

Then they continued to drink the tea until it was finished and (Y/N) took it to the kitchen

(Y/N) POV:

"It doesn't seem like this storm is going to stop anytime soon"

You spoke up slicing some Lavender melon while Kuni looked out the window with her

"That seems to be the case"

"Would you like to stay the night?"

"Letting a stranger into your home and letting them stay the night is dangerous, no?"

"Call me crazy but I think we'd be good friends"

He just scoffed but you could see a small grin appearing on his face

The sun had bid farewell to the sky and the night called the moon was a sight to behold the rain still falling and the storm brewing to be even worse than it is now.

"I'll go get you a blanket then"


He didn't look at me and just stared out the window like he was watching the lightning strike

You set up two beds on the floor preparing them yours was by the wall underneath the broken mirror and his next to yours

You brought your dagger next to you underneath your cover hiding it from him while you didn't believe he could do any harm he was still a stranger and you didn't know what he was capable of.

With that you snuggled yourself in and layed down

"I'll be going to sleep now good night Kuni"

He just nodded and you closed your eyes your hood and cloak still resting on your head heating you up from the cold winds thrashing the walls and coming into the house

Third person POV:

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to maybe rest a bit, I'll keep my guard up but who cares she's just a human"

Kuni thought to himself for a while being indecisive whether he should or not but eventually he layed down and relax and he closed his eyes





A few hours had passed and Kuni could hear light snores next to him but that's not why he couldn't sleep he turned his head and looked at the mirror right above (Y/N)

He got up and went over to it and looked at his reflection while also looking at the cracks he was just about to touch the mirror when he heard a shink of metal.

(Y/N) POV:

"I am so sorry!"

I cut him..

I didn't mean too

"It's fine you weren't the one that cut me it was the mirror shard I was holding"

For a second he stopped and gazed at his hand the same one he gave your dagger back with it was bleeding.

Thick red blood

You felt yourself grow hot and you felt your heart pumping again, beating out of your chest

Your mind running and you felt your eyes swell

I didn't mean too!

I really didn't!

I'm sorry..




Why do I keep doing this?

I keep hurting people.. I didn't mean too!

I guess they were right.

I really am heartless...

And the next thing you saw was pitch black darkness

Lost memory​᭄∘˙✧ (Wanderer X reader) Where stories live. Discover now