"Victory!" I cheer before we both get up, him nodding his head in approval and ridding his side.
   "That's one powerful kick you've got kid," he pauses, as he seemingly considers something before he continues, "hey, let's try something real quick okay?"
  "Yeah sure, what is it?" I ask as I bend down to retie my shoes which must've undone during our sparring session.
  "I want you to mess with my blood flow, use your quirk to its limit," I look up at him in shock. Why would he want me to do that. I think and furrow my eyebrows.
   "Uh okay, but I don't want to have to drink your blood." I state unsure of his end goal.
   "If this works then you won't need to," he states and I hesitate before nodding.

  I sit with my legs crossed on the mat and gesture for Aizawa to sit across from me and then I begin messing with his blood flow. I focus on his arteries and picture his blood slowing down and speeding up again. I repeat these steps in different intensities, as Aizawa watches his arms with an intensity.
   "Man that feels weird," Aizawa chuckles awkwardly as he looks at me and I smile up at him before quickly breaking eye contact and refocusing on his veins.

    10 minutes later my head starts to hurt and I begin to sweat, a sign that I have nearly reached my limit. Just a bit more. I think with determination and I feel my quirk getting weaker and weaker as I become lightheaded and a sharp hunger stings throughout my body.
   "That's enough," Aizawa says sternly and looks me in the eyes. "Ready?" he asks, his eyes softening, and I nod, still unsure of what his plan is.
   Aizawa's long hair floats above his head and his eyes turn red, signaling that he has activated his quirk.
   Slowly I feel my headache and lightheadedness go away as he deactivates my quirk. My hunger starts to fade and I no longer feel the bloodthirsty urges that come after using my quirk. Realization hits me and a smile quirks at my mouth and excitement bubbled inside of me.
   "Oh my gosh," I say under my breath, then repeat louder, "oh my gosh!! Aizawa! You fixed me!!" I jump up from the mat and dance around happily. The dark haired man gets up as well, a sincere smile on his face.
   Before I can stop myself I rush to the man and embrace him in a tight hug, sneaking beneath his arms, which wrap around me.
   "Thank you Mr.Aizawa," I say before whispering, "now i don't have to worry about becoming a blood sucking villain."
   He pulls away, looking me in the eyes with an intense expression and a look in his eyes that I can't quite place. "Y/n you never have to worry about becoming a villain. As long as you keep fighting to become a hero, you will be. Don't let anybody tell you different." He says and I softly smile in return. "Let's go grade some papers."
"Okay," I say and follow him into the school, a soft smile lingering on my face.

Once in the classroom, I make myself comfortable sitting on top a desk closer to the front of the classroom than my usual seat in class.
"Here's half the stack." Aizawa hands me a bundle of papers, and heading back to his desk before pointing towards me with his pen "And work quick so we both can get home at a decent hour."
Nodding I silently start working on grading the literature and hero course work from my other students.
Working with a bunch of first years means Aizawa and Present Mic have to give me separate assignments, most of which I am easily able to figure out without too much assistance from the two.
The next hour is filled with the silent but peaceful buzz of pens writing.
Alright just one more mark and.... "Done!" I chirp as I put my pen down on the stack and head over to my teachers desk. I observe the man as he grades his last paper, chewing on his pen in concentration. My eyes scan his face, admiring his features. Hm, I never noticed how good looking Mr. Aizawa is. I think with a small smile and set my stack of papers neatly on his desk.

-Aizawa's POV-
Y/n truly is something. To be able to manage Bakugo while teaching herself her 3rd year work is impressive to say the least. I think as I grade said girls papers, purposefully leaving them out of her stack so she didn't grade her own paper.
"Done!" I hear the girl say as I check an answer on her work. Her light footsteps sound, signaling the girl walking over. I stay focused on completing my grading and feel her eyes burning a hole to my head before she places her stack of papers on the desk next to my arm.
"Done." I say calmly and grab the other stack, not noticing the pen on top as it falls to the girls feet. Bending down she grabs the pen with a smile on her face.
"Here you go sir." She says and I chuckle thinking about how sweet she sounds as she hands me the pen. "What's so funny?" She asks with a quirked brow and I shake my head.
"Just the sir, it sounds odd coming from your mouth" I say and she gives me a confused look before we head out of the room.
"Need a ride?" I ask the girl as we reach the front of UA and she considers for a moment before agreeing and thanking me.

-Y/n POV-
"Thank you again," I look up at Aizawa as he opens the door to his car for me and I step inside.
"Mhm." he nods at me, closes the door, walks around the car, and gets in. He started the engine and I tell him my address. We ride the rest of the way in a peaceful quiet, the radio playing a familiar tune, and I look out the window in contentment. Aizawa's a big softy at heart. I think, smiling.
"Thank you Mr. Aizawa for everything, I'll see you tomorrow," I say as get out of the car after he pulls into the driveway.
"You're welcome. Have a nice night Y/n," he says with a head nod and I smile in return, heading into the house.

{Word count: 1941}

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