Extra training

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-Y/n pov-
beep, beep, beep
I wake up groggily to the sound of my insufferable alarm clock blaring in my ear signaling another day of waking up too early for my own comfort. At least i'm training to become a hero but still waking up early is not my favorite thing to do. After the other days events with Aizawa I have been trying so hard to find an alternative for drinking blood but nothing seems to have the answer. Not the internet, not the books, Mr.Aizawa doesn't even have a clue. I'm starting to become hopeless.

Swinging my legs over the side of my bed I yawn and begin getting ready for the day. I throw on my school uniform, wash my face, brush my teeth, and begin drinking my morning gallon of water. The water helps me control my blood cravings better so i can use my power for longer. I'm not sure how that works, maybe something to do with the water
making my blood thinner.

"Morning little brother" I greet Katsuki who's eating a bowl of lucky charms, as he returns my gesture with a grunt. I laugh at the thought of an angered issued hothead like him enjoying the rainbow cereal they call lucky charms.

"Ready to be a nice, well- mannered boy today Baku?" I ask the spiked haired boy with a sarcastic smile.
"No thanks"
I roll my eyes at his remark and start getting my bag packed with all my essentials for school.
"Ready?" I ask as he follows me out the front door and we start walking to school.

🦇Time skip🦇
"Yes!! Finally lunch!" chirps Ashido and Kirishima as they rush out of the class, the other first year students following behind. I chuckle under my breath at their enthusiasm, remembering how happy I used to be for lunch as well when I was their age.

"Y/n are you coming?" asks Jiro, the girl who've I've become close friends with throughout these first few weeks of school.

"I'll catch up with you," I wave her away and she nods and follows after Denki.

"Hey Mr.Aizawa-" i stop as I notice the teacher sleeping soundly in his sleeping bag. How he can fall asleep so quickly is beyond me. I decide to come back later, and begin to walk away before a raspy groan is produced from the man and I turn my head.

"What?" the man gruffs out, keeping his eyes closed.
"I was uh just wondering if we could maybe train a bit after school, I've been meaning to work on my combat skills."
"Yeah sure whatever, but you have to help me grade papers after," he compromises and I nod happily.
"Deal! Thanks Mr. Aizawa! You're an angel!!" I respond with excitement to which he grunts an "mhm".

"What were you doing Y/n?" Asks Jiro curiously asks I sit down beside Iida in the cafeteria.
"Oh i was just asking Aizawa if we could do some extra training after school to work on my combat skills."
"Really? What did he say?" wonders Izuku-who is sitting at a table beside Jiro, Denki, and I-as he perks up.
"He said yes," I respond with a small smile to the green haired boy.
"Huh that's odd, Mr.Aizawa doesn't seem to be the type to do extra training with a student. I guess I misjudged him," states Iida who's next to Izuku as he adjusts his glasses.

                            🦇Time skip🦇
"Ready? Go!" I shout as I charge at my long haired teacher in front of me on the sparring mat. I decide not to use my quirk for our training today and focus purely on improving my combat, as I send a kick to the man, which is quickly dodged.
  I throw punch after punch but no matter how many I send he dodges with ease, just waiting for an opening. An opening which he soon gets when he sweeps my feet from underneath me and pinning me to the mat.
   "Lesson one, stop going so fast. Take a moment to breathe and think about your next move. Don't be so predictable." he lectures with a lack of emotion. I nod and he gets up, walking to the other side of the mat before we start up again.
Taking a deep breath, I think about ways to win this match, and wait for him to make the first move. After a few tension filled moments, our stillness is broken by Aizawa charging up to me in a lightning quick pace. Right....NOW! I think and I turn my body before he strikes, and then kicking his firm abdomen, which sends him back a few steps before I grab his arm and throw him over my shoulder, landing him on the mat as I quickly rush to pin him. I pin his arms beside him on the mat with my hands and sit on his abdomen, both of us breathing heavily.

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