Class 1-A

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Today is the first year of my final year at UA, and of course I am being forced to attend this year with a bunch of first years due to my little brothers awful anger issues. The class i was assigned with was class 1-A with Mr. Aizawa. Ive always looked up to Aizawa but I have never had him as a teacher.
"Bakugou I seriously can't believe I have to come babysit you because you don't know how to act your age!" I groan from my assigned seat next to my blonde haired brother.
"Shut up y/n! You think I want you here?" Bokugou practically screams which causes my temper to rise a bit and I rise from my seat.
Now in front of my brothers desk I glare down at the boy and picture his blood stream slowing. The boys eyes widen in fear as he comprehends what I am doing to him. Leaning in I whisper to him "you're lucky you're my brother or else I would've stopped your heart right here for disrespecting me." I snap my fingers and his blood flow goes back to normal along with his heartbeat. Keeping eye contact I wait for Bakugou to give me a look that shows he agrees with me before going back to my seat.
"Wow that really impressive, Bakugou doesn't listen to anybody!" A boy with red hair states and I shoot a smile his way.
                                🦇Time Skip🦇
Aizawa has us doing tests to show our quirks abilities, which obviously I have already done in my first year of coming to UA but he has me doing the tests again for some weird reason. The speed ability test is about to start so I activate my little bat wings in hope they'll give me a bit of extra speed.
"3..2..1..GO!" Shouts the timer and I sprint as fast as I can to the finish line, my wings fluttering so fast I'm afraid they may break.
"6 seconds!" Rings the timer as I pass by and I groan angry at myself for not beating my personal record.
"What's the matter? Weren't as fast as you expected little wings?" asked Aizawa.
"Don't call me that," i huff while retracting my wings "and they aren't that small!"

The tests continued and I managed to get a decent score on the majority of them, Aizawa dismissed the class but asked me to stay behind a minute to discuss Bakugou.
"If it were up to me i would have had Bakugou continue with his anger and see how it worked out for him. But I do thank you for saying whatever you said to him this morning, it really improved his attitude" He spoke while leaning back in his desk chair.
"Yeah you're welcome," i shrug, "i just told him if he wasn't my brother i would've killed him right then. Typical sibling stuff"
Aizawa nods "not what a hero would normally say but alright" He then went into his sleeping bag, leaving me in the silence of the classroom.

🦇 Authors Note 🦇
Hey guys! This is my second Mha Fanfic and i hope you guys like it so far!
Reminder to leave any feedback you have or any ideas for this story! Also pretty please leave a vote!! Lots of love! 🖤
Word count: 558

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