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TW⚠️ Blood!!

Mr. Aizawa has had us working on our quirks all day and is still not letting us have a break. I usually wouldn't be so tired but I forgot to drink lots of water this morning which is making my hunger so much worse than usual.

"Come on y/n, you aren't leaving until you lift yourself up with your wings" Aizawa lectures.

"Sir I can't, I am going to die!" I respond dramatically which results in an eye roll from the man. I sigh and withdraw my sore wings. Grunting I flex my wings as hard as I can and try to make my body weight lighter. It works and soon enough I'm in the sky. Excitement builds up inside of me and I scream "I did it!! I did it!!" Everybody cheers until a crack sounds and I plummet into the concrete. Gasps rumble around me from my classmates and my wings begin to throb a bit, but not too bad and I retract them into my back, standing up.

Aizawa walks over to me and turns me around so my back is in front of him. He then begins to examine my wings for any serious injuries.
"Does this hurt?" He asks before lightly pressing on the most sensitive part of my wing which causes a weird feeling in my stomach, almost like butterflies.

"Not too bad" I respond and he nods then tell me to continue working on my other abilities. With a grunt I walk over to a group of runts I have collected and begin slowing and quickening their heartbeat. I push myself to slow their heartbeats just enough that they are still able to get blood to their hearts. I start with 2 animals at a time then try 3, then 4. By the time I reach 5 at a time I feel as if I am going to pass out from hunger.

I can't handle it, I need blood right now. But I can't have any, I'm on a diet. Nobody knows the downside of my blood quirk and I don't intend on anybody finding out. If they knew, they would for sure think i am not fit for being an hero. If i want to be a hero I cant rely on blood to replenish me.
       🦇 Time Skip🦇
Aizawa's POV:
Physical training is over and now I'm teaching hero academics. Everybody is tired from the earlier training but y/n seems to be the most affected. I can't help but notice her zoning out. She looks like she might pass out, but I'm sure if something was wrong she would tell someone. I keep a close eye on her while continuing to teach, she isn't focusing so I proceed to ask her a question to bring her focus back in on the lesson at hand.

"Y/n can you repeat to me what I just said," I ask but she doesn't respond. Can she not hear me? Her eyelids begin to close and before I can restate my question she goes limp and falls from her seat. Panic sets in my chest and gasps sound around the room. I remain calm and go to check her pulse. Her pulse is extremely slow.

"Somebody go and get Recovery girl," I urgently tell the class and soon somebody is running out the door. Bakugou pushes through the crowd surrounding y/n and rushes to see if she's alright.
"Has this ever happened before Bakugou?" I ask the worried boy. He nods his head.
"Yeah it happens whenever she uses too much of her blood control quirk," he responds then steps away from y/n, clearly not bothered anymore.

Y/n's POV:
My vision starts to come back to me as I begin waking up from my slumber. Embarrassment flood my conscious as I remember how I passed out in class. Sitting up I groan and try to shake away the embarrassment.
"Good. You're awake" Aizawa says, sitting with his arms crossed in the chair across from the nurses table, "you passed out from hunger, we gave you some food through tubes but your heartbeat is still extremely slow."

Panic swarms and I begin to pull the tubes out of my arms. The sudden movements causes my stomach to retch and bloody vomit spills from my mouth, luckily into a nearby bucket. Aizawa quickly gets up from his chair and rushes to me. The blood keeps coming out and soon my nose starts bleeding. This isn't something that's new to me but Aizawa seems extremely concerned. He holds my hair back and uses a nearby tissue to hold my nose to keep blood from coming out.

"It's okay, you're okay," he reassures me as I continue retching into the bucket. Soon the blood stops and I relax, my breath steadying. Aizawa sits on the edge of the bed while I rest my back on the wall behind me.

"Is that normal?" he asks, gaining composure. I nod and rub my eyes, exhaustion consuming me. "y/n why don't you explain to me what's really happening with your body." Aizawa demands intensely. I shake my head, not wanting him to know.

"You'll think I'm a monster," I pause, looking away from his heated gaze "I don't deserve to be a hero if I can't learn how to control it."

He shakes his head "I won't think you're a monster. You need to tell me so I can help you overcome it." he claims. I hesitate, considering if it's a good idea to tell him. He would be the first person to know.

"Fine. But only if you promise me one thing." he nods in return, "you can't tell anybody, and I mean no one, about this." I finish, my heartbeat increasing as I realize what I'm about to confess.

"I need to drink blood in order to replenish my blood control quirk." I say quickly, watching his face expression to see any sign of horror. I let out a sigh of relief as I realize his face holds no horror or shock. Not even judgement.

"That's makes quite a bit of sense, considering your quirk. Does it have to be human blood?" he questions and I nod.

"I wish it didn't have to be human, I tried animal blood but it didn't work." I respond shamefully.

"Alright then," he says and then takes a knife out of his pocket, "you can drink some of mine for now."

"Absolutely not!" I exclaim. "I refuse to drink the blood of my teacher. That's disgusting."

He doesn't respond and begins cutting the palm of his hand. I shake my head and move away from him as he brings his hand up to my face. He sighs and forces his hand to my mouth, making me drink the blood whether I like it or not. The taste of his blood overtakes me and I start to feel my heartbeat go back to its normal pace. The exhaustion I had felt earlier dissolving. Once I've felt i've had enough I pull his hand away, gasping and swallowing the last bit of blood in my mouth.

"Thank you sir. That won't have to happen again. I promise I'll find an alternative to human blood." I say confidently, though thats far from the way I feel.

What's up guys! This chapter was much longer than the last one and I intend on most of the chapters to be about this long, more or less. I hope this chapter was enjoyable and please give me any feedback or ideas you have for this story. As always thank you and please leave a vote!! Lots of love. 🖤
{Word Count: 1292}

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