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I was here at the library and reading the textbook that I got awhile ago. Unlike the other students here, instead of talking, gossiping and spending their times with a useless or uninterested matter, I more focus on studying and learning the lesson that we will be discussing in the future. After all I need to consume my time wisely, I need to become on top of our class or else all hell might break loose.

My clan doesn't accept disappointment and failure as a part of their family. If you can't prove anything or show them your full capability, then you are nothing to them. I was already moulded and shaped to be perfect than any other people, every person who attempted to came into my way suddenly lose everything they have because of what my parents done. They are not please to knew that someone is more the best than their daughter, so instead of taking their time minding their own business they also mind my decision and life.

Started from the school I went, the course that I took, the friend that I hang along with, and even my love life. They are always the one who would choose, and if they are disagree of the set you that wanted to showed to them, then they will force their choices as what they thought is beautiful and more suitable for you.

I was their robot, or should we said their puppet. Everything I did and acted is always being pulled by the strings that they are the one who controlled. Being modest, intelligent, confident, and outstanding is their priority, than any other things. I  can't rest not until I pleased them, not until I proved to each of them that I was capable enough to do what they want. So even how tired I was I didn't rest, even how suffocated my mind is I continued to study, because I knew this is the only thing that I can proved to them, that I can be fitted to the role they been moulded.

I don't actually know how long since I started to focus and study our lesson, but as long as I gained another knowledge I will keep it up. After all information is necessary, or rather being smart is.

I took down notes and kept on listening to the person I was watching in my laptop, and at the same time I annotated the words I find helpful in my own textbook.

I didn't stopped until the the bell rang, reminding every students that the next class will proceed after a few minutes.

I fished my things and put them inside my bag, I return the book that I borrowed from the bookshelf, and closed my laptop before putting it inside my case. After that I went to the front desk to sign on their log book.

Corvina Verity Taraji  | POL-SCI 1A
12:50 pm

After logging out I proceeded to the area where I can got my i.d. The school librarian is very strict the reason on why each students who went inside the library needed to submitted their i.d.'s. I hurriedly got the i.d. lace without double checking it and run out of the library, the idea of being late on our class is damn embarassing so I will never do it.

"MISS I.D. SNATCHER WAIT!" I heard the man shouted, but instead of looking at my back I didn't mind it and continued to run.


And because of what he said I suddenly halted on my truck and hesitantly looked on the i.d that I was holding, on my greatest horror I was greeted by not familiar face of a man.


I slowly looked at my back and greeted by a man who already full of sweat all over his face. I double checked the i.d. that I was holding and read the name in it.

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