Blanche goes to McDonald's (real, not clickbait 😱)

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It's a very yes day, and Blanche is doing Blanche stuff, and then out of no where Keymaster shows up and he's like "wanna go to McDonald's because funny" and then Blanche is like "sorry I can't leave 💔💔💔". But then Soap materializes out of thin air like "Lemmie treat you bbg /JK I SWEAR JK" and then uses soap Majik aka dangerous science but cooler to allow Blanche to go to McDonald's 😍.


Ok so they pull up in a Bugatti that they totally didn't steal from god knows who. And then they walk in and the cashier is Vincent and he's like "welcome😔to😔McDonald's😔what😔can😔I😔get😔for😔u😔" and then Blanche is like "idk" and Vincent is like "why didn't you look at the menu before hand??" And she's like "idk". Anyway, Keymaster just gets 2882827973746482736 grimace shakes even tho they stopped making those probably a year ago and 20 sauce pacts for an unknown reason. Blanche just ended up getting a cookie or something, and Keymaster is literally eating the sauce packets when Joey Q walks in and is being an absolute asshole and is like "SCREECHES. LET ME SPEAK TO UR MANAGER U FART" while wearing a Karen wig even tho he probably doesn't need that. And then Cupid, aka the manager is like "what's going on here 😱😱😱😱😱😱" and Joey is like "I ASKED FOR A WHOPPER WITHOUT THE WHOPPER AND THIS BITCH WAS LIKE 'that's not possible'. 😡😡😡" and then they start arguing. But then Joey starts throwing plastic cup lids everywhere in revolt and Blanche is like "omg wth" and Keymaster is like "s a u c e 😍" because he's still eating sauce. And escalates from 10 to a gazillion pretty quickly bc Cupid had to call the police. Then Argos shows up bc, quote, "I am the law" or something edgy like that. And then beats tf out of Joey and takes him away like it was normal.

And then all the way at a random corner of the restaurant, the Alchemist is just like "WTF."


And then later, Keymaster proceeded to film one of those "happy birthday grimace" video's so Kei would see it and stop fucking hunting him down so he doesn't have to legit change his identity a few 100 more times in one week and stop hopping universes.


11/10 story, guys.

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