Two Negatives Doesn't Make a Positive

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Prompt: A fight between a cheater and an abuser.

Never always ends well.

*warning: Death threats and pre-WKM*

Mark and Celine were.. An odd couple.

From the pictures of their wedding and many vacations, they looked so happy and normal.

See them in real life, they act like strangers. Only interacting when needed and Mark was never even home for more than a few days. He took his job very seriously and made it his top priority than his wife.

Even Damien and William, when Celine and Mark were young sweethearts before their marriage.

"Young sweethearts" Were too generous even for them. For the longest time, their relationship was.. Complicated.

Very complicated.

Both Celine and Mark had a temper, that always led to them fighting. Celine's beliefs and culture were way different than Marks and none had yet to show respect to each other.

Nor respect for anything.

They were literally, as people called them. "Two negatives" In the relationship.

Why bother getting married then?

Well. . .

The two families were pretty rich. Mark's one being full of actors and actresses. And Celine and Damien family are known as politicians and for having a role in society.

Only Damien took the role of being mayor of their town.

Celine just did her own thing. . . Being a seer interested her the most. Sure, it made her look likr the crazy lady of the town. But people ignore you if you're married to one of the richest actors in the country.

That's one benefit she gains from their marriage anyway. . .

The fame and money, Celine was already a privileged woman growing up. She got even more lucky with Mark.

She never intended it to get this bad, same as Mark. They were young at the time, they thought marriage could fix them.

As the years passed, it became a goddamn mess.

Mark was never home just a few after their marriage, he never had time for Celine and if god gave them. Mark would waste it fighting with her.

If Celine was the dramatic one in their relationship? Then Mark is the whole Circus.

Celine is almost embarrassed about the time wasted of things Mark decided to fight about. Especially when he's drunk.

It's almost like that's all he does, get drunk and fight.

That only lead them farther away. . .

Until Celine eventually reached out to one of their childhood friends, William.
She couldn't take it anymore, she was alone and tired.

She was not even worried about inviting William over because she knows Mark is not coming home anytime soon.

That just gave her more time to build up another relationship with William. . .

It was just a matter of time until Mark eventually found out.

One day, Mark decided to host a party out of nowhere. Invited a lot of people, both his and Celone's friend's and people from his work.

He claims this was his milestone to becoming the greatest actor.

Celine almost rolled her eyes. Sure, celebrate this but miss years worth of our anniversary.

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