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"damn, even Sunghoon's got a girl now," Heeseung mourned as he walked down the street alone. the lights were glowing with brightness, contrasting against the dark night sky full of pretty stars and the big full moon.

everyone seemed to leave him.

his Appa left him for some prettier woman than his Eomma.

with the stress and financial problems, his Eomma committed suicide, leaving behind Heeseung and Yunhee with their grandparents.

but both of them passed away a couple of years ago.

thankfully, Heeseung and Yunhee had some bank savings that kept them off the streets for a while. but both still had to work multiple part-time jobs in order to have enough income for their school and living fees. money was a struggle for them, but all of their friends pitched in to help them, and he was forever grateful for their generosity.

and a couple of years ago, his first girlfriend, Haeun, the love of his life, the only girl he could ever imagine himself being with, left him after he misunderstood something with their relationship.

I seem to fuck everything up, don't I, Heeseung thought sadly.

with gloom, he found himself at a bar.

"please give me the strongest alcohol you have," Heeseung said as he sat down on one of the stools near the counter.

"you sure?" the bartender asked, raising his eyebrow, "it's very strong."

"yeah yeah," Heeseung muttered, nodding, "it's not like I care about what happens to me anyways."

"here," the bartender handed Heeseung a glass with the alcohol in it.

quickly, Heeseung chugged it down, wincing as the painful liquid burned his throat.

"a-another," Heeseung's eyes groaned as he glared at the bartender.

the bartender handed him, one after another, as Heeseung got completely drunk, his head spinning around.


"HEESEUNG!" a familiar voice yelled with concern.

it was Haeun.

"Heeseung, you shouldn't be drinking, look at you now," Haeun's soft voice calmed him down as she paid the bartender for the drinks Heeseung consumed and helped the male stand and walk.

"wh—why was I—so-so dumb?" Heeseung cried, tears streaming down his cheeks, "everyone leaves me, everyone does. but—but when I found you, I had to let you go again—"

Haeun did not speak.

instead, she traced her thumb against the male's palm soothingly as she helped him into her car.

"I—I still love you so much, Eunnie," Heeseung confessed, his eyes dazed.

"Heeseung," Haeun finally spoke, but she did not look at him, "you're drunk."

"but—but I love you so much," Heeseung said, his eyes filling with tears again as he sobbed, his T-shirt slowly getting soaked by his tears.

after a long silence, Haeun spoke.

"I forgive you, Heeseung," Haeun softly soothed him. she stopped the car, got out, and helped Heeseung get out. her voice was gentle, just like an angel, Heeseung thought.

but then he passed out.

Heeseung groaned.

his vision was blurry as he opened his eyes, realizing that he was in a familiar place.

"wh—where am I?" Heeseung mumbled, his head spinning around.

"Heeseung," Haeun came into the room with a tray full of food and some hangover pills.

"Haeun," Heeseung thanked softly as Haeun sat down on the chair near the bed.

"are you feeling better now?" Haeun asked, "you got quite wasted last night."

"thank you for taking care of me," Heeseung said gratefully.

"looks like I still have to look after you, even after that," Haeun joked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

Heeseung asked, "where's your boyfriend?"

"we broke up," Haeun said.

there was an awkward silence.

"I'm sorry," Heeseung said.

"don't worry about--"

"no, I mean for our relationship," Heeseung's face started to turn emotional again, "I should have trusted you, hell, if I didn't misunderstand the whole situation, you wouldn't have been suffering so much."

Haeun was silent.

but she spoke, "yesterday, you told me that you love me."

Heeseung's eyes widened.

her eyes were full of understanding, "is that true?"

looking down, Heeseung admitted shyly, "yeah."

"I don't know if things will ever be the same again," Haeun said, "but I may be ready to become friends with you again, and maybe give you a chance again when I know that you are meaning your words."

Heeseung immediately grabbed Haeun's hands in his gently.

"I swear on my life," Heeseung looked at Haeun in the eyes seriously, "I will wait for you, Choi Haeun."

the girl softly smiled as she looked at the food that Heeseung hadn't touched, "now eat, the food's going to get cold!"

"she's so kind," Sunghoon ranted on about Sooyun to the whole group of friends.

"oh we know, Sunghoon hyung," Jungwon rolled his eyes adorably with his arm around Nali's waist, "you've been rambling on about how she's so pretty, honest, hot--"

Sunghoon blushed.

"of course you did it wrong, Jake~"

meanwhile, Jake and Jina were multitasking, listening to Sunghoon's rants while arguing about the problems.

"5 + 5 is not 25," Jake pointed out on Jina's paper.

"nor did you use the right formula," Jina fired back, pointing at Jake's paper.

"I can see why you two got together," Jay chuckled. Yunhee's head was leaning against his shoulder comfortably.

"do you know where Heeseung hyung is, guys?" Sunoo asked, "he hasn't responded to any of the messages in the group chat."

"maybe he's sick?" Niki suggested with a cherry lollipop in his mouth. he was looking at Reina, who was sketching him.

more on Haeun and Heeseung's background.

I make the names back so much, right?

so proud XD


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