Start from the beginning

Y/n swallowed. Truth to be told, Andrei never told him that. It was like there was a big wall between the two of them at times when he never spoke about family matters.

"I don't know," he whispered.

"Yes, exactly. He killed them. He is only...twelve? Thirteen?" His mother said carelessly. She was three years off. "And yet he has already taken the life of someone. You are foolish to think someone as powerful as him would ever want to be friends with you."



"I like you," Andrei said softly and affectionately. He pressed his lips onto Y/n's cheek as the (h/c) haired boy's cheeks reddened. "I really like you, Y/n. So don't leave me, alright?"

"...I won't," Y/n promised, relaxing in his hug, touched by the warm gesture. "I really don't."



"He is my friend." Y/n persisted stubbornly.

"Stupid brat. Why did I bother explaining things to you?"

"Can I at least say goodbye to him?" The tears started to slip from Y/n's eyes. "Please?"

"Then you go. See if he's even present. With all the murdering going on..."


Y/n pushed that thought out of his brain and focused on a different question.

"Why are we leaving?"

"You ask too many questions." His mother snarled at him, "shut up."

Y/n did so. But he was grateful, at least, for the opportunity to see Andrei—he would explain the situation to him to prevent any misunderstanding, to ensure that he wasn't breaking his promise, he would return—and that after this he would find a way to make sure they would really stay, side by side. Y/n spent so much time making sure that his promise wouldn't be broken but here he was and it was happening.

His legs, though battered and bruised, still managed to move. In fact, Y/n ran faster than he had ever did in his life, his legs spinning and spinning and spinning—and when he finally came across the garden in which he had first saw Andrei, he stopped. Climbing over to the window had become a task easy for Y/n after so  many times of doing so. He clambered inside, surprised to find that it was unlocked, before he stood inside.

There was no one.

"Andrei?" Y/n called out, surprised. There were still tears stains on his cheek. "Are you..."

Not a single answer. Usually Andrei would run to him and embrace him, before the blonde would offer him snacks and tell him all about his day. And now the lights were off, and the bed was empty.

Y/n stood there feeling like a fool.

"...Andrei. Where are you?"

Then you go. See if he's even present. Y/n thought back to his mother's words and stilled, his body becoming painfully straight. His posture turned stiff. He tried once again to call out for him.

"Andrei? I'm here," his tone was wobbly. "I'm here. I thought you said you would be waiting for me."

There was no reply again. It was silent. Panic started to rush in Y/n as he recalled his mother's words—there has been a string of murders lately. Surely, surely—this could not possibly mean that Andrei was dead, right? The table and bed was cold, like they had not been slept in previously. The last time Y/n had managed to slip out of his home to meet Andrei was five days ago.

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