Chapter 178 Concealed Moon Sect

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They maintained their composure, but they didn't dare to inquire about the matter from the woman. And the beautiful woman—Ni Chang Fairy—naturally pretended not to know, diverting the conversation to other topics and chatting about other interesting things.

Han Li and the other male disciples of Yellow Maple Valley had already set their sights on the new group of female disciples.

They had heard that the Concealed Moon Sect advocated the practice of dual cultivation and recruited at least half of their disciples as females, and only those with outstanding appearances would be accepted.

Now, seeing that it was true, these women were all charming and beautiful. It was hard for them not to be mesmerized.

Han Li was relatively better off. Although he was momentarily distracted, he relied on his strong willpower to quickly calm down and focus.

He noticed that the female disciples of the Concealed Moon Sect seemed accustomed to being watched by so many people and remained calm and composed, even flirting with some of the onlookers, causing them to feel weak in the knees.

However, the male disciples' reactions were completely different. They glared angrily at those who stared at them, especially those who were close to the girls they were with, as if they wanted to challenge anyone who dared to look at them.

Han Li smiled faintly, understanding that these male and female disciples were most likely arranged pairs, even if they were not actually in a romantic relationship, but they were definitely training together. That was why the male disciples were so angry! They probably considered their companions to be their private property, even if the female disciples didn't necessarily think so.

Han Li noticed that these male disciples were not only glaring at those from Yellow Maple Valley but also those from Qingxu Gate.

Curious, he turned to look, and indeed, those young Taoists were occasionally stealing glances at the girls, then quickly looking away, as if afraid of being caught, appearing extremely furtive.

Han Li suppressed his laughter, afraid of bursting into laughter!

Whether it was his illusion or not, Han Li felt that the female disciples of the Concealed Moon Sect seemed to be more flirtatious with the young Taoists than those from Yellow Maple Valley.

This left him speechless for a while.

But then he thought, with a chill in his heart, that these disciples came here not to flirt, but to fight for their lives in the forbidden land. If the young disciples of each faction encountered the female disciples of the Concealed Moon Sect, they might lose even before the fight began. After all, it's not easy for ordinary people to harm such charming women directly.

What's even more puzzling is that all the disciples of the Concealed Moon Sect on this trip are so young, not even one older person among them, which is really unreasonable. Han Li didn't believe for a moment that these people were all seasoned veterans. Judging from their frivolous behavior, most of them were in their twenties, not showing any signs of maturity.

But this blood-red trial was known as a journey to death, and it was impossible for so many young people to actively seek death. Even if they did, they couldn't all be arranged in pairs, and their emotions couldn't be so deep that they were willing to face life and death together. Han Li simply couldn't believe it.

Although not many older people with such thoughts participated in the blood-red trial, there were still seven or eight people from the two factions combined, but surprisingly, there was not a single person from the Concealed Moon Sect. This was indeed a bit strange.

Li Shizhu and the Taoist seemed to have noticed something wrong as well. Their faces became even more gloomy, although they were still chatting with the Concealed Moon Sect's Ni Chang Fairy, their distracted expressions were evident to anyone.

Soon after, disciples from the other four sects arrived one after another, but the most impressive ones to Han Li were the people from the Giant Sword Sect and the Spirit Beast Mountain.

The Giant Sword Sect was all men, dressed in black, each carrying a sword as tall as

a person on their backs, their expressions extremely cold and domineering.

On the other hand, the disciples from Spirit Beast Mountain were dressed in colorful and eye-catching clothes, with various bags and pockets hanging from their bodies, some of them even seemed to contain living creatures, making the disciples of other sects feel uneasy.

The disciples of the Blade Forge Sect and the Celestial Summit Tower, although dressed differently, were considered normal in Han Li's eyes. Like the disciples of Yellow Maple Valley, they were whispering to each other, looking nervous.

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