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Hello everyone! Thank you for all the support you have given me. I will be doing your requests soon, expect updates every weekend (if I can!) There will also be an easter egg for the new story I will be publishing - The Gold On His Cheeks (hopefully soon!) in this chapter. Unfortunately, I might postpone that story.

Also, Happy belated birthday to Aaron


Happy belated labour day!

Ella's POV:

"Would you still love me if I was a worm?" I asked Aaron abruptly, as if that were to be a normal question to ask.

"Excuse me?" He looks up from the book he's reading, a confused smile plastered on his face as he tries to hold in his laughter. I can see right through him.

"You heard me," I grin, waiting for his answer. He looks around the room, like he was finding clues on how to answer this question. He put the book aside, and got up from his laying position. His elbow is on the bed, supporting his head as he tilts it onto his hand.

"Sweatheart, I love you just the way you are," he replies, so obviously avoiding the question, but it doesn't go unnoticed. I furrow my eyebrows, and move a little closer to him.

"Hey," I continue, "you're avoiding the question." He laughs and laughs and I can't remove my eyes from his dimples. In a moment of weakness, he uses his other arm and wraps me into him as he plays with my hair.

He softly whispers into the crown of my head, "of course I'd love you as a worm. I will keep you in a little jar and feed you." I giggled, that was not an answer I was looking for, but it worked.

We had to go to Kenji's later, he was hosting a house opening as we just finished building most of the houses - including his - in the neighbourhood. We had been working on a few different type of houses, like modern, cottage, and even small motels just for temporary stays for anyone.

"Aaron, can we go shopping? I need to get-" he cuts me off.

"Anything you want, love." He gets out of bed and walks into the closet.

I sigh and mumble, he's picking out shirts again. Never in a million years, would I have expected that Aaron Warner himself, had a soft spot for fashion.

A few minutes later, surprisingly, he comes out looking the exact same. Except that the shirt he has on now is less wrinkled.

"What did you need to get?"

"Well, nothing... I was just craving slushies," I cover my face with both of my hands out of embarrassment. We stop at a 7/11, and him, being the gentleman, he opens the door for me. I give him a shy smile back at him, and we head in.


"One blue and red slushy please," Aaron told the cashier as he paid. I look up at him and wait. We walk towards the machine and get our ice-blended drink. Just then, we hear two couple bickering at the back of the store. Without noticing, I start to eavesdrop.

"We're supposed to pay the cash first, you idiotic-"

"But theres a thing to get it right there," the man says calmly.

"Don't make me pull my dagger out on you."

I raise my eyebrows, how did she sneak in a dagger into a 7/11? And why would she need one anyway? Why is she threatning her partner?

"Do you think we should help them..?" I whisper to Aaron, who just shrugs his shoulders. We start walking towards them, then explain how to get a slurpee.

"Oh, um. Thank you," the woman said, and tugged on the man's sleeves, then walked away.

After that was settled, we started to head home, Aaron's long, slender fingers on my thigh, the other on the steering wheel as I look out the window. My hand over his. He focused on the road while occasionaly glancing at me. When we finally arrive home, we go over to Kenji's house. we were late by a few minutes, but Aaron didn't seem to mind.

We knock on the door, Kenji flings it open, Nazeera tells Kenji to apologize to the door (which he surprisingly does). Then, Kenji freaks out about how we were late by seven minutes and twenty-two seconds. 

I can basically feel Aaron roll his eyes. Aaron and I both open our mouths to say something, "we went to get a slurpee," we both talk over each other. Nazeera comes just in time, and I give her a hug while my husband nods at her. 


Kenji's POV:

I never knew there was a purple slurpee.

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