chapter 11

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As the Oyakata-sama arrived and the meeting progressed to its end, Giyuu couldn't contain his excitement any longer. With a burst of energy, he dashed towards Sanemi, enveloping him in a tight embrace.

"I missed you so much!" Giyuu exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine joy as he planted a kiss on Sanemi's cheek, his laughter echoing through the room.

Sanemi, though usually reserved, couldn't help but crack a small smile at Giyuu's enthusiasm. Returning the embrace, he murmured softly, "Missed you too, Giyuu."

Their moment was interrupted by the arrival of Kyojuro, who purposely bumped into them before making a swift exit. Sanemi shot him a glare, but Giyuu simply shrugged off the interruption with a playful grin.

"Nee, Giyuu, that was quite the greeting for Kyo!" Mitsuri chimed in, her laughter light and infectious as she joined the pair alongside Shinobu.

Giyuu chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh, come on, Mitsuri. You know I could've been much more dramatic!" he replied, teasingly, as he untangled himself from Sanemi's embrace, though Sanemi still held onto him, a hint of reluctance in his grip.

Shinobu's sharp retort cut through the playful banter, drawing Sanemi's attention as he sought clarification. The girls exchanged knowing smiles, relishing the opportunity to share a tidbit of their friend's dynamic with Kyojuro.

"Rengoku just threw his usual jabs at Giyuu, and let's just say Giyuu didn't hold back in return," Mitsuri explained with a mischievous glint in her eyes, striking a confident pose.

Sanemi's concern flickered across his features as he processed the information. His gaze softened as he turned to Giyuu, silently assessing his lover's response.

Giyuu, ever the embodiment of sunshine, brushed off the concern with a carefree laugh and a reassuring smile. But Sanemi remained unconvinced, his worry lingering beneath the surface.

The conversation shifted, plans for a future meet-up discussed amidst lighthearted laughter. Giyuu bid farewell to his friends, his steps light as he walked alongside Sanemi towards the gate, their fingers intertwined.

Giyuu's pov

As Sanemi and I strolled towards the gate, hand in hand, I couldn't help but steal glances at him. He looked so handsome, so perfect, and I found myself wondering why he chose me out of everyone.

Lost in my thoughts, I absentmindedly hummed a tune, but my mind abruptly halted as I debated whether to voice my thoughts to him. Would he find them silly? Would he think it was a waste of time?

"Nee, Nemi," I called out, breaking the silence. He turned to me, his gaze curious.

"What is it? Is there something you want to tell me, something you need?" he inquired, his concern evident.

I chuckled softly, finding him adorable. "No, no, it's just that..." I trailed off, suddenly unsure. Maybe I was overthinking it. Maybe it wasn't important.

"I... nevermind, it's nothing, actually," I muttered, masking my uncertainty with a forced laugh.

"Are you sure?" he pressed, his eyes searching mine.

"Yeah, it's nothing," I replied with a whisper, maintaining my smile. But inside, I felt a twinge of something I couldn't quite place. Was it anxiety? Fatigue?

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