Our new beginning

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this is a mostly fluff i guess. basically Sirius escapes from Azkaban and the first place he goes to is Remus's house. this is a bit after that, he's been there a few months.

"Lately I've been feeling like
The world's not taking shape
And when it breaks
And falls away
Tell me you love me and I'll do the same

But there's something about
That holy water falling from his face
That makes my heart ache
And takes my breath away"
-One month by Dead poet society

The past twelve years passed by Remus just like a never ending nightmare, he couldn't wake up or escape from. All his friends were dead, and Sirius, his Sirius, was in Azkaban for betraying them to Voldemort.

When Remus got the call, he didn't believe it, he didn't want to believe it. At first, he tried to contact Sirius, to no avail, naturally. Then he spent days curled up in his bed, crying his soul out. Then he was mad, he was angry, like never before. These cycles kept on repeating themselves, and soon enough Remus found himself in a state he could not break out of. It would be an understatement to say that Remus didn't just lose almost everyone he ever loved, but he also lost himself, completely. He was nothing but a cheap, faded replica of his old self.

But as the years passed, it got easier. It got easier to wake up, to get out of bed, to make coffee, to live, although the pain did not subside, and the gaping void in his heart, soul and life, seemed like it'd never actually heal.

It was a quiet night, the stars were clearly visible, scattered across the vast darkness of the sky, and the faint noises of small animals were audible from a long distance, it was all peaceful. Remus was sitting in his armchair, wrapped in his favorite sweater, with a mug of hot chocolate and a book resting in his hands, when he heard a knock on his door. It was definitely unusual, since his burrow was a bit away from the nearby town, and not many people visited him often.

He stood up from his chair, placing the book and mug on the nearby coffee table, walked over to the door, and opened it. The moment he saw who was standing on the other side, he nearly had a heart attack. His eyes grew wide and he couldn't believe it. It was Sirius. His Sirius. Or at least the older, disheveled version of his Sirius. The one man he loved more than anything in the world.

Since that night, a few months have passed. Remus took Sirius in, offered him a roof over his head after the man explained to him what had happened on the night of James' and Lily's death. They didn't talk much, more like they sort of existed around each other. Sirius wasn't like Sirius, not really. He may have bore the name, but Remus could not recognise his old self in the man. Although he sometimes thought that could possibly have something to do with the fact that Sirius did not speak often. He was still slim, bony even, all those years in Azkaban did not treat him well, nor physically, nor emotionally. That reflected in a lot of things, mostly in the fact that Sirius's old habit of flinching at sudden movements came back, but even more severely if that was even possible. And that the once happy, mischievous and cheerful glimmer in his eyes was now replaced with a glassy fog filled with sorrow, grief and lifelessness.

But as the days progressed, the two started interacting more, at first, they made small talk sometimes, which doesn't sound like such a big thing, but it was a milestone for Sirius. They started the days in the same way every day, Remus would wake up early, while Sirius was still fast asleep, make coffee for the both of them, leave Sirius's on the counter and sit down out on the front porch with a book. And then when the man woke up, he would take the coffee and join Remus, the two of them sitting in comfortable silence. And sometimes, Sirius would ask Remus to read to him, and the man happily complied every time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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