43 - A Sorrowful Return

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"Man, are you really sure about this, Synthia?"

I arrived in Inazuma a week ago. Thanks to Captain Beidou and the Crux Fleet, I was able to reach my homeland in just a matter of days. They were experts in these kinds of voyages after all.

At the moment, I am sitting in the living room of Thoma's apartment with Thoma and Kuki Shinobu.

I let out a heavy breath before running my fingers through my hair.

"I have to do this," I muttered under my breath. Later on, I felt Shinobu's arm around my shoulder before pulling me into a tight hug.

Thoma and Shinobu just stared at me.

I was the reason for all of these troubles; the reason Ga-Ming almost died at the hands of Philip. I could not have forgiven myself if that really happened. What makes it worse to think was I wasn't there and I wasn't given any chance to protect him.

"If you think that it is the right thing to do, then do it," Shinobu spoke softly. Ever since I have met Shinobu, I had always seen her as a soft spoken person and during these times, it actually shows. I could easily see her genuine care towards my situation. Thoma, of course, was concerned as well.

"How is Ga-Ming by the way?" Thoma asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I left him without warning," I mumbled.

"Really?" Thoma gasped. "Why would you do that?"

I somehow feel bad now. "If I did tell him my plans then he would just follow me and he'd get himself in trouble again," I spoke as I began to recall the troubles Ga-Ming spoke of. It fills me with dread and remembering it makes my chest ache. "I don't want to be the reason Ga-Ming keeps getting hurt." I started to sob.

"Hey," Shinobu placed her hand on mine. "It's going to be alright." She drew out her hand and wiped my tears with her thumb. "I know you will be able to see this through. You're strong," Even with her mask on, I could still tell that she was smiling at me as her eyes say it all. "And if ever you get into trouble, Thoma and I will not hesitate to lend you a hand,"

"Thank you, Shinobu," I smiled at her then gazing at Thoma. "Thank you as well, Thoma," I smiled at him as well and he smiled back at me.

As the silence slowly set in, my thoughts began to take over the silence in the room.

I was unsure of what I was about to do but from what I can see, this was the only way; the only way I could end everything and set things straight.

I stayed at Thoma's plays for a couple days before I decided to head back to my home.

As I walked down the streets, I was slowly beginning to reminisce about the times Asato and I would walk down the streets while he was still alive.

Asato would be very busy during the day as the meetings would always be held in the mornings so, the only times we would take a walk would be during the evening.

I have always enjoyed evening walks. The wind is chill, the night would be peaceful and everything would just be silent. Even with the few people still running their stalls, it would still be such a serene moment.


"Hey, Synthia," Asato called out. I lifted my head up as I was staring at the beautiful bouquet of flowers, looking towards his direction afterwards.

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