21 - I'll Go Wherever You Are (✓)

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"Chef Mao! I'd like to take this to go!" I shouted as I entered the Wanmin Restaurant.

I could smell the different aromas of the meals they were cooking. Xiangling was definitely doing such a great job.

"Ah, Ga-Ming. What brings you here? Where's Synthia?" Chef Mao greeted me with a smile as he was wiping the plates dry.

"I'm just here to buy dinner for my lady." I smiled, feeling myself blush afterwards.

Chef Mao chuckled. "I see. You're such a doting partner huh?"

My cheeks blushed even more. "I only want her to be happy, Chef Mao" I replied with a wide grin on my face.

"I'm sure she feels the same way about you. I just saw how she stares at you while you talk, she looks at you as if you are her whole world." The chef smiled and I couldn't help but smile so widely as I began to recall each one of the days I spent with Synthia.

I've only known her for weeks but it felt like I've known her for years. I feel really close to her and whenever I am with her, I feel free. I couldn't get more lucky.

"Thanks, Chef Mao."

"No need to thank me, kid. I know you'll be a great partner."

That somehow made my heart smile. At some point, I hoped it was my own father who says that to me.

Man, I miss that old man.

I have been thinking of going back home, swallow my pride and just apologize. I know I have my dreams but my family is important to me too. I also thought that it'd be a great opportunity to introduce Synthia to them. Even if I try to avoid them, it's quite obvious that sooner or later, I'd still come back to them so why not now?

My father may take a while to accept the truth about my dreams but I have a feeling that eventually, he'll just agree well, if he still sees me as his son after all the things that had happened between us.

Somehow that thought saddens me and it makes me regret about throwing a fist at him. Ever since that night, I have always cursed myself for doing it.

I hope he forgives me.

"Here's your order, Ga-Ming!" Xiangling's voice rang in my ears, as she walked out of the kitchen carrying my three orders, pulling me out from my thoughts.

She then set it down on the table and carefully packed it, adding some few flower petals in the basket as she finished the set up. "I made sure it's tasty since it's for your girl. We want to impress her right?" She giggled.

"Thank you so much for the effort, Xiangling and of course, thank you too, Chef Mao." I shyly gave them a smile.

"No need for thanks Ga-Ming. We see you as family." He walked out and gave me a hug. "Now go, I bet she's waiting for you already." He playfully punched my by the arm, earning a small giggle from me.

I said my thanks to them one last time before I headed back to Synthia's place.

My heart was so filled with joy as I walked down the streets of Liyue. Along the way, I stopped over on some shops that sells Melon Cake. I decided to buy a whole cake, just to surprise Synthia with it and of course, her family. I like Melon Cake and I would like to share it to her. I know fully well that she'll love it.

I hummed as I walked but as I near Synthia's place, I suddenly bumped into someone.


"Apologies." I heard a familar voice. I looked up only to meet eyes with the Yaksha himself.

The Wushou Dancer (Genshin Impact Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora