Orchids and Salk Mannor

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Fragments of time
Chapter 19
Part 2

(Cindy Harris;)

Kindness with earnesty

"You might call yourself wise,
But consider me no less of a fool.

I just got back from my dad's office and by the manner, my desk is arranged so far. I doubt it was left unvisited."

Cindy had her gaze narrowed down on the blonde head with his freckles getting redder and his specs, even though he had his head down on the books. Visor still knew he was caught red-handed.

"My bad.
I consider it a flaw in my side.
I only mean to help you out.
You seemed rather too busy that I wished to help you out.

Have your seat and maybe relax a bit before heading for home.

Visor was still seated calm and relaxed with his dense blue eyes looking over at her green eye.

"Seems like you just got your work done. Why don't you head for home?

If you still have some time would you accompany me to my place?"

"Your place!" Exclaimed Visor all of a sudden with mixed emotions on his face.

"It was a joke. I know the thoughts of my dad just scare you a lot. Just go home and don't sneak on my work if you've got no guts before my dad."
That was probably what she had lastly spoken about before leaving the workplace. At home, she was not spared enough free time since she had to catch up from where she left the last.

'Cindy was all caught up so far;'

My life and decisions so far;
This is me, Indra. and this is me writing about my life through these cheap letters. Not even in the mind to write it in a proper book other than these compiled papers that I might entrust to someone worthy.

Now that you have an idea about what I've been through lately.

I have a job and my job is beyond satisfactory. I get paid. I can afford my groceries and I am not much of a spoiled brat who likes blowing up her money so autonomously.

I have savings for my future life and also there is he who is a student and a financially poor one. Despite earning from some part-time jobs he still is a lot broke and even affording his daily needs is somewhat of a luxury for him. 

I first met him by chance and it was at the grocery shop at the end of December. I was running short on my paycheck and I could even see him failing to make the ends meet.

We brought some groceries for ourselves. I took some additional stuff too but he would still have everything that he had prepared on the list.

I paid the bills for the two anyway.

It was surely the first time but not the last time either. We got our contact numbers. Although he was the one who got my number first.

I swear it was only to get back my amount that I didn't want to but still have to only after the way he insisted on me persistently.

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