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Life under the dark twinliking sky

"I will be talking to Quinton, you keep attending the guests."

Both the friends parted on the statement. From the conversation on the phone to Monty getting busy as the chief mourner for his wife's funeral along with Leon and Quinton. Monty walked around and make his presence around as he noticed the guests started filling in. From the people who know him and also the people who were familiar with his wife, like their friends, work buddies, and relatives.

Ashley Upton, Abbey and Bruice Jayden, Noah and Drake Jacob. Drake Jacob has a very charming face with his charming little blonde hair patch like his mother Noah, and his brown eyes just like his father Eric Jacob. The tiny tot was just as tiny with his cuter chubby cheeks while he was carried by his mother. Monty could almost remember his daughter's childhood when he glared up at the baby boy calmly with his mother.

Monty smiled dumbfounded at the sight of this boy.

"Monty, I feel dishearted for your loss,"

Noah had her expressions displayed sadder than ever, portraying her sorrow with Monty's grave loss. She wore baggy clothes for her convenience during the time. It was more violet and a warm turtleneck that she looked so gorgeous on. Her blonde hair was tied into a messy bun and her blue eyes were beautifully lined with mascara. Monty realized how he started adoring her beauty when he first crossed his glance years ago while still at the academy.

"I remember when we last worked along on Frank Denim's case, whose decaying body was recovered from the still water. Even tho I have to leave the case undone for saving my precious baby donut. I remember how Annie had poisoned us while only saving you" Noah hugged her baby right as she expressed about the past.

"It was not long ago and I do remember. But Noah, why do I feel this way that in the short amount of time, you are looking much younger, appreciable, and beautiful now when compared to the time we worked on that case,"

"It was because I was still pregnant with my baby and kept it a secret for avoiding all the fuss and stuff at work,"

"I know you always carried secrets for yourself. Even while we were at the academy I always got more into your humble, silent, and sincere personality from that time. I was more than glad to be working with you and not any other girl from our batch."

"Glad to know but Monty, I used to observe you creatively as well while we still performed at the academy. I was equally glad as you since we ended up working together.

Perhaps, from every time that I've observed you. I have never seen you this emotionally drained at any time. You are beyond just sad, maybe it's for the fact that Yolanda is forever gone from your life. I rarely see Eric since he has his job in pursuit back in Paris and I feel lonelier being an only parent around Drake. I wonder about your life now after the death of your wife. You are now a single parent forever.

Even tho Abbey always takes care of my baby for me for some money. I am thankful for my greedy little sister." Monty interrupted Noah's conversation to speak with Abbey.

"Hey Abbey, how are you and Bruice working? I know you are police officers from different state county and yes I wanted to talk with you about this anyway. And Abbey why would you make Noah pay you,"

"I pay for her food when she is with me, I am also fond of having expensive makeup, clothes, jewelry, and other body care products. Since I blow up heavy on shopping unlike my sister, I wanted to collect some easily extra dollars. And I want to disclose this little planned secret of mine. I would start working alongside you people. Since your absence makes me miss you a lot lately"

Abbey hugged both Noah and Drake wholeheartedly as they both spoke with each other.

"Abbey I am also thankful that you looked for Freida in my absence. You took care of my daughter in her parents' absence. Hope we still work a case together sooner," spoke Monty seeking forward to this opportunity again in his life. Whereas Abbey insisted that she would take a lot of the baby boy Drake.

Noah smiled gladly at them. Monty knew by her smile that she wanted to work again as well. Monty realized that little Drake who was already up from his deep sleep already started crying while he was still carried by his mother.

Monty took the sobbing child in his arms and acted sweetly to calm him down. Trying to keep the baby quiet, Monty overheard another familiar voice from the crowd.

"I never knew you can handle babies this neatly Monty," spoke Caroline with a cheering smile on her face, as her grey eyes narrowed on the sleepy baby in his arms.

Caroline Penelope and Danielle Knight were the most unexpected guests at the ceremony. Even for the chief mourner Monty himself.

Umber's parents still suffer from a fair share of grief of their own since the death of their only child and yet they still carried their hearts warm to fill up with yet another grief of a dead mother and a wife, Yolanda Ian. Walking up to Monty's good the still-grieving couple could hold their hearts tighter to talk to Monty and even make him feel slightly relieved as for how they spoke with him. They came up clean with their immaculate positive attire to pump up his hope.

"I feel sorry for all your lives have gone through. The case that swallowed your daughter and the aftereffects of the immense loss on your path of life. I can understand what your days might look recently now that I have something similar to you. I would still rather speak that your pain is far greater than mine, you lost your only child. I have seen Tyler most affected after her death as well. I only wanted to be by his side as well. Please forgive me," Monty had a humble gesture as he held his nose lower before them in his still grieving state.

"It's been days and we are still healing from it. The more we walk away, the more we are dragged in. It's really hard for us to accept the fact and walk away spiritually. For Danielle, his daughter meant everything. The time of our lives spent among was like sunshine, always shimmery, glorious, and with those memories from our life, we have decided to host a little memorial ceremony for our daughter sooner. We just can't walk over her death this easily,"

Spoke Caroline politely, her motherhood when she glared at sleepy Drake in Monty's arm sprung open and she immediately borrowed this little Jacob from his arms. Not only that she murmured so humbly not to wake the sleepy boy. After all her grey eyes could never embrace any face as wholly as this tiny sleepy face in her arms just like when she carried around little Umber during the same age. His innocent little giggles and the small baby pout during his sleepy state.

Quinton, all tired and beaten from the work just showed up exactly how she showed up to work this morning, and following her came her only assistant Indra Mahej. They followed up while discussing with themselves with their voice quite lower to the people around. Their discussion about how they successfully managed to bring the body to its home.

Leon from the other side too made up to the crowd after dealing with the grave slot and selection of the graveyard for the main event ahead.  Leon had his expression held blank as he walked around contacting the funeral land dealers.

Caroline Penelope, Daniel Knight, Abbey Jayden, Bruice Jayden, Noah Jacob, Leon Harris, Quinton Monrey, and Indra Mahej at some point shared their conversations while walking with the bunch.

Caroline for the whole time had her heart attached to baby Drake while she stood next to her husband Danielle. As his wife, Danielle found his happiness with the presence of this little boy in his wife's arms.

Somewhere deep in the shadows Tyler Oaklee, Wynn Ross, Cindy Harris, Patrick Loris, Ismail Yaseen, and many more attended the funeral to only pay their regards for the late Yolanda Ian and her husband Monty Ian. They further didn't indulge themselves with much further conversation.

Monty behaved all well, and talked to the guests invited even after being the husband of his late wife he welcomed the guests evenly, politely, and humbly with his low-key attitude. But his worse fate was yet to be met when Monty understood who spoke to him from his back.

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