13. what we really need is a femininomenon !

Start from the beginning

which was pretty ironic, considering that not even a few weeks ago you all had egged his house and set his car on fire with a bomb. you all stood in a "v" formation with you being between isabel and hazel, josie still holding up jeff in her arms.

the football players followed the pattern you were all standing in so you all had a football player across from you. you locked eyes with your opponent, which was pretty hard considering he still had his helmet. you shook your head, noting that was the first thing you would do, take off the helmet. unfair advantage in a fist fight, you thought. the football player who was in front of pj, took off his helmet before yelling out which caused all of you to yell back then breaking into a run again.

you broke out into a run, sizing up your opponent who was a bit taller than you, quickly avoiding the punch he threw your way. with the space between you two a bit closer, you quickly grabbed onto this helmet before kicking his side with force causing him to kneel down. you quickly removed helmet, throwing it behind you not realizing you had hit another football player who was following after josie and jeff, effectively knocking him out. you saw another football player closing in on you, quickly moving back before running and jumping onto the back of the football player you just took down.

using his back as a vault, you catapulted yourself being able to reach the football player with an aimed kick to his chest, hearing him groan and back away as you landed on the grass. you quickly stood up before spinning and throwing a roundhouse kick to his head knocking him unconscious, at least you hoped. seeing that no one was currently aiming towards you, scoping around to see if anyone needed assistance. you saw that sylvie had a sword, where she got it from you had no idea before her opponent fell onto it causing you and someone next to you to gasp.

your eyebrows furrowed, turning to see a huntington player who just took off his helmet also looking towards you.

" crazy game we're having, am i right," he asked, holding up his hand with a wave. you looked him up and down in confusion, moving your arms. he was about to speak again before you punched him in the face and kneeing him in his crotch before running away towards isabel who had an opponent coming up from behind her.

you ran in between them, seeing as isabel was still unaware of the football player behind her, turning to face the guy. you threw a punch at him which missed before he threw one back at you, hitting you in mouth. you felt blood spill into your mouth, quickly spitting it out to the side before running towards him grabbing him by the neck and kneeing him in the face. he stumbled back but you didn't let get away as you quickly threw an upper cut to his face. you turned away the same time isabel did before high-fiving each other, looking around the field.

you and isabel saw annie struggling under the weight of a football player and tim being choked out by a football player.

" you help annie, and i'll go help out that idiot," you pointed isabel to annie, which she nodded to. you ran towards where tim was, seeing an abandoned helmet quickly picking it up. you saw that hazel was moving towards tim as well, more closer to him than you were. you looked down to helmet before yelling out to her.

" haz ! catch !" hazel quickly turned around at the same moment you tossed the helmet her way, being able to catch pretty quickly. hazel continued running towards where tim was, before grabbing the helmet with both hands and swinging it down onto the football player. she slowly walked forward to face tim, letting go of the helmet as she walked, looking down at tim as he coughed.

you stood a bit away, watching the scene while you were leaned over catching your breath taking this moment that no one was paying attention to you.

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