7. (girl)friends who suffer together, stay together

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you had just parked your car in the driveway of hazel's house, she seemed more nervous than before you two had even entered your car back at school

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you had just parked your car in the driveway of hazel's house, she seemed more nervous than before you two had even entered your car back at school. you were suspicious about her behavior but didn't press any further. you two exited the car and started to walk towards the door, hazel moving in front of you to use her key to unlock the door. if you really focused, you would have heard something very quietly knocking against something.

hazel had opened the door and you two stepped in before you both turned to look at each other with mouths opened in realization of what you two were hearing. hazel had the courage to call for her mom, trying to figure out what the hell was happening while you busy closing your eyes trying to drown out the noises. no one wants to hear the moans of the person who they consider like a second mom, as soon as they enter a house especially when you were planning to have a relaxing study session with hazel.

" oh, hi, honey and y/n dear ! what are you doing home so early ?" you and hazel both looked up to see her mom on the mezzanine. you nodded hello sheepishly, standing awkwardly next to hazel. this is not what you had in mind when hazel said her mom was having a mid-life crisis, honestly you weren't sure what you had in mind. soon the person who walked out after her, left you winded and gasping in surprise and shock with your eyes practically popping out of your head. you were more than positive hazel felt even worse.

jeff had walked out just with his underwear, thanking god that he had something on, and some type of football guard on his shoulders.

" are you kidding me ?!" hazel shouted, very distraught and disturbed that our classmate was standing right next to her mom after doing god knows what.

" i had a long day," mrs. callahan responded with a hand, seemingly shaking off that not only her daughter was distraught but her daughter's friend was on the verge of crying in distress at the scene before her.

" mrs. callahan, can i have a snack ?" the idiot had the nerve to ask, as hazel started to breathe heavily next to me, before he followed after hazel's mom. that was all it took for hazel to bolt out of the house, not even closing the door. you immediately followed after her closing the door and locking it with your extra key hazel had given you.

" hazel ! haz ! hey ! slow down ! haz please !" you followed after her, hazel speed-walking to your car as you clumsily unlocked it already making a plan to take her home with you. she opened her passenger side door aggressively before slamming it closed, a part of you broke inside at the treatment of your poor car then placing back your focus on hazel.

you entered your side of the car clumsily, almost slipping as you tried to quickly get in the car. closing your door, you quickly buckled yourself and turned the key in the ignition, starting to drive away. your heart broke pulling away from the house, seeing out of your peripheral vision hazel aggressively wiping away her tears seeing her shoulder shake slightly, obviously trying to her hold cries in.

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