Rosie and Carmilla

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Lucifer and Niffty then wandered the streets, to a small cafe in the city where Rosie was drinking tea with Carmilla Carmine. At the sight of Lucifer, Rosie immediately stood up to greet him. "Oh my gosh! Your highness, it is such a surprise to see you here!" she said, curtsying.

Carmilla followed, standing up and bowing. "Your Majesty. I- We did not expect to see you here. May I ask, what brings your majesty here?" Lucifer chuckled. "Well, greetings to you too, Miss Rosie and Miss Carmine. I just came by to give this to Miss Rosie." he said, handing Rosie the giant box. "Oh! What a surprise! Oh, and if I may ask, your majesty, who is this adorable little darling?" she said, leaning down to Niffty. "Ah, yes! This little one is called Niffty. She is the housekeeper and pest control of the Hazbin Hotel." said Lucifer cheerfully. "Hi! I like cleaning. And killing bugs." said Niffty energetically.

"Oh! Well isn't she just ADORABLE?" Rosie exclaimed, leaning down and patting Niffty on the head. Carmilla didn't say anything, but she glared down at Niffty with her piercing eyes. Lucifer ignored this and said, "Well, it's time I should get going! Goodbye, ladies!'' He picked up Niffty and left.
After Lucifer and Niffty left the cafe, Rosie and Carmilla sat back down. "Well, let's see what's in this mysterious package that his Majesty gave me!" said Rosie, carefully opening the cardboard box. "What is that?" said Carmilla, confused at what the actual fck was this kfc looking Alastor shaped chicken nugget thing in the box. "Well, I have not the slightest idea!" said Rosie cheerfully. "But it does look like Alastor, a dear friend of mine and our fellow overlord!"

Carmilla narrowed her eyes at this suspicious and unknown Alastor object. But before she could say anything about it, Alastor woke up and his first instinct was to start screaming. "GAHHHHHHHHH!!! WHERE AM I!? MY ENTIRE BODY HURTS!!!!" Carmilla and Rosie were quite taken aback. And by "taken aback", I mean the both of them nearly had heart attacks  and fell backwards.

"Oh my!" said Rosie, still slightly in shock as she got up. "Alastor!?" Carmilla, still recovering from the exhilarating experience, then got up. "I'm done," she said. "Today has been too insane and it's only 10 am. It was nice seeing you, Rosie." Carmilla got up, put some money on the table, and left. "Oh!" Rosie exclaimed. "Bye, Cammi!" she said, waving.

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