Chapter 6 - Cold Water

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Sam's POV

She's actually into him... this is wild Seb finally actually likes a girl and she likes him back but they both don't know...but I know ? LOL, the middle man again. he chuckles to himself rubbing between his eyes as he enters Sebastian's room.


"Yooo, got your lunch Robin insisted I bring some down," he says taking a bite of his sandwich. "It's pretty good. Not poisoned," he says placing it in front of his friend who leans back in his chair. Sam pulls up the second stool. First things first Seb you need to know about how crazy Abby is acting. Unfortunately, Seb does not seem that surprised... " I mean she did push that girl down a flight of stairs back at that party in Zuzu after she found me making out with that green-haired girl backstage." "Yeah didn't she like break her nose and ankle or something fucked up?" Sam replies... "Well, aren't you a bit worried about what she might do to (Y/N)? Considering you've got a date this Friday," he says elbowing Sebastian and raising his eyebrows. "Wait she told you about that?" "Yep and she seemed pretty exciteddd." he replies. Sebastian's face turns rosy " Well you were gonna find out now anyway cause I was gonna ask you to help me plan out the day, I really want it to be good, I owe her after she saw me kissing Abby." "Oh ya fuck...I forgot about that...well let's plan something awesome then." Sam looks up at Seb. "Oh fuck dude you got it baddd" "What, got what?" Sebastian says sounding surprised. "You're totally falling for her." I've known you for 2 decades and have never seen your face turn that colour before. Sebastian reaches the back of his neck with his arm. "Shut up dude, let's just figure this out so we don't wind up alone forever." "Haha, well let's be real that was only a worry for you," he says giving his friend a smirk. Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Don't worry I've got a good idea for you and for me and Penny too," he adds.


"Wait a sec" Sam says walking towards the door. "Was (Y/N) coming over today too? That is definitely her voice I'm hearing" Sebastian is confused as you never mentioned you'd be coming to see him. He places his ear on the door. "Ohh she's probably just getting my mom to help her with the farm." "Oh shit so sometimes she just comes over randomly? No way you gotta go up there dude don't waste a perfectly good chance." What no!" he says but it's too late Sam has opened the door and is pushing him up the stairs.

Seb's POV

"Sebby... I mean Sebastian is that you?" Robin calls down. He slowly walks up the stairs peeking around the corner. "Yes Mom?" he mutters. "Will you take (Y/N) to the kitchen for some water it's a hot day out there." He looks over at you, and you give him a sweet smile. "Sure," he says gesturing you to follow him down the hall. He sees his mom giving him a thumbs up and an awkward smile and he desperately wishes he hadn't looked back at her. "She's so awkward." he thinks to himself. You arrive at the kitchen and he pulls out a chair for you to take a seat while he pours you some cold water. He places it on the table in front of you, he notices you have a few hairs out of place and without thinking grabs them softly and moves them over. "working hard today," he says with a soft smile. He looks over at you and sees your face is completely red from his touch. "Oh sorry, I just.. there were a few hairs on the wrong side." "Oh um, it's okay just embarrassing, I have been chopping wood for like 3 hours today," you reply to him. It's quiet for a moment when Seb's phone buzzes.

Farmer's POV


Sam: Dude my mom called and I gotta get home, let's finish the plans tn on the phone. Hope you're having fun with (Y/N) drink that water nice and slowly." he teases.

"It was just Sam" Seb says worried you might think he's ignoring you for Abby or something.

You give him a soft smile and look down at your glass. "Well, I don't have much work left today do you wanna hang out for a bit? I understand if you're busy tho," he says awkwardly.

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