Chapter 2 - Salt Water

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My eyes open slowly, they feel insanely heavy, as I sit up I feel an awful rush to my head. "Ugh, what the actual fuck." I mumble to myself. "Abby really can hold her alcohol, unfortunately, I cannot." you giggle. You reach for your phone realizing you didn't get anyone's number last night. Wait 10:05 AM??? You completely slept in and even with all that extra sleep you still have a massive hangover. "Today is going to suck," you think to yourself.

As you get dressed and out the door, you notice you have some mail. It's from a man named Willy who wants to meet you down on the beach... "Well that's a bit weird, some stranger wants me to just meet him at the beach...I guess maybe that's not totally considered creepy in a small town like this." You head over to your nicely planted turnips and give them a sprinkle of water from your rusty old watering can. "There you guys go, now hurry up and grow already." you scoff to the turnips as it took almost all your energy just to water the 15 measly crops. 

You walk through town, doing your best to smile at a few townsfolk despite your raging headache. "Let's just get to the beach and get this over with, I seriously need a coffee." you groan under your breath. 


At the beach

The smell of seawater fills your nose as you walk across the sand you spot a variety of pretty shells getting you distracted from your mission. It's so quiet, although it's almost 11:00 AM there is nobody around. "Probably because it's still a bit chilly out", you surmise. "Hey Farmer!" you hear someone calling suddenly. You look ahead on the pier and see someone waving to you from afar. "C'mon over I've got a little something for you," he says. You walk to the peer to meet this strangely dressed (and strangely smelling) man. "I'm Willy, the local fisherman, just got back from a little fishing trip and wanted to greet ya with a little welcome gift! Not every day a newcomer makes their way to our little valley." He says as he passes you a pretty basic-looking fishing rod. "It's been used well, but it's still got a few good reels in it! All yours farmer! I've gotta go open up my fish shop but stop by sometime to update your rod!" He walks off to the little shop on the peer. "Strange...but very nice of him, glad that was quick." you think to yourself.

You walk back across the beach focusing on the sand in hopes of finding some more shells. You're about to reach for a really beautiful one, and as you go to grab it you see another hand reaching down for it. You look up and are in literal awe. An actual angel of a man stands before you,  with shimmering ginger hair, and emerald green eyes he also happens to be extremely well dressed... but maybe overdressed for the beach. He smiles at you and you feel your knees get weak. "I'm sorry beautiful you can have the shell, it just caught my eye, I have plenty, it's all yours." He picks up the shell, grabs your wrist and places it gently into your hand. You feel your face get flushed at the feeling of his strong manly hands touching yours. "Are you new here?" he adds on, breaking you from your utter shock at this man's existence. "Uh... yes, sorry hi I'm (Y/N) I just moved into the farm outside of town." You look down, as his gaze is just too much for you to handle and he will definitely see you blushing. "Ah, well I am honoured to meet such a lovely lady, I'm Elliott, local writer and beach enthusiast." He says with a chuckle. You can feel your heart starting to race as you stand in awkward silence for a moment. "Well I hope to see you around (Y/N) I am usually here on the beach, I live in that cabin over there. It's small but at least I get to wake up to this view every morning." he smiles at you. "I hope to see you around too Elliott. Thank you for the shell," you say softly as you put it into your pocket now feeling like it's some sort of treasure of you meeting this radiant man. You can't take your eyes off him as he walks back towards his cabin his long ginger hair flowing in the breeze and his tall well built body filling out his collared jacket. "Wowza," you say as you take a sigh of relief that the close contact is now over. 

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