Chapter 1 - Raindrops

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This is my first time writing something like this so please bear with me on any minor grammatical errors. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. <3

As you sit on the bus with a long ride ahead, you can't help but feel a sense of loneliness. All the things you are leaving behind in the big city, it was your hometown after all, the place you grew up, the place you knew best in the world. Since your mom passed away last year, things have been pretty quiet for you, you lost some of your light when she left you. You stopped partying and going out every weekend, you started to calm down and appreciate the people and things that mattered most to you. To think you'd be leaving so many things behind to start a brand-new life doing something you had not considered since you were a young child visiting your grandpa. However, despite that feeling of loneliness, you also felt like this would be an adventure worth fulfilling. This land you inherited was both precious to your mom and your grandfather, you could not go on every day having thrown it all away for selfish reasons. You know in your heart this is where you should be right now in your life, even if it is a hard decision to move away from your comforts.

The bus keeps moving on, slowly you see less and less houses and more and more trees. The bumpy roads are somewhat calming and you take a few deep breaths and remind yourself of the good times you had in the valley with your mom and grandfather. You feel content and a little tired as the bus shakes around. You close your eyes and relax as you know there are still a few hours before you will arrive.


You awaken to the sound of the bus brakes squealing to a stop. "Am I here?" you think to yourself.

"This is your stop, young lady" the bus driver announces. You get up and grab your multiple suitcases that are way overpacked. I mean you are moving your entire life to a new place what do they expect? As you unload your bags, you think about all the things you couldn't bring with you that you ended up selling. "Hopefully I will be able to get some new stuff once I save up some more cash" you think to yourself.


You step off the bus and see a 40ish year old ginger-haired women, she is quite pretty but seems to be wearing work clothes that are a bit dirty.

"Hi! You must be (Y/N)!" she exclaims "I'm Robin, I guess you could consider us neighbours! I live a short walk down the road with my family, I'm also the local carpenter, hence my clothes" she says giving a slight laugh.

"Hello, yes I am (Y/N), very nice to meet you Robin" I say in almost a whisper.

"You must be tired after your trip, let me show you the path to the farm in case you forgot the way! I know it's been many years since your last visit to the valley!


"Now don't be too alarmed the land itself is very overgrown and has seen better days that's for sure! But that is why you're here after all! To give it the love it needs to be a beautiful farm once again! And just so you know I am here to help you out, so come see me anytime"

"Thank you, Robin" you say as you walk up to your new home. A small cabin, it looks in somewhat decent shape, despite it clearly needing some serious updates.

Robin starts to head out and gives you a smile and a wave, almost bumping into an older gentleman.

"You aren't giving our newcomer trouble, are you Robin?" He chuckles as she storms by.

"I'm Lewis, nice to meet you (Y/N). I'm the town mayor here in Pelican Town and I wanted to stop by with a little "starter pack" for you that a few of us chipped in on." You open it up to see some seeds and a few pre-packed meals and snacks and some worn out tools.

"Thank you so much!" You exclaim with a sweet smile. They both seem so kind you thought yourself.

"I won't keep you as you have certainly had a long trip, come by and have a chat with me once you're settled in." He says as he walks off.


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