The servants outside were shocked as the Miss who'd been sent here to marry their sir returned to her carriage. Once seated she spoke to the guards and the carriage driver, along with the four servants who sat atop the two other carriages. "Inform Madame Jiayi of the Branch Lu's family stance and have her send those meant to prepare for my wedding to the inn we're staying in. I have no need to sleep in a nest filled with weasels and snakes, those who cling to one when they are gold and retreat when blood rains down."

The servants tried to chase after the carriage, but it was too late, as those who accompanied the Miss didn't look at them and instead as if groomed for loyalty followed their miss's orders.


A porcelain vase slammed into the wall.

The servants flinched as the shards exploded across the floor. A young woman, wearing white and light pink robes was flushed as she glared at the floor.

"How dare that commoner trash scorn our Lu Family," she shouted her hands turning into fist at her side. "If it wasn't for her, I would have been tied to Yuxuan. It isn't some no name garbage turn to step in. Then she dares to sneer at us and leaves."

Chu-hua, the third Cousin Yuxuan had always been enamored with this cousin. She'd been disappointed when he'd been engaged to Wu Daxia only to exult when he'd shown no interest in her despite their engagement. Secretly, she'd plotted to remove that Choi Hufen out of the picture only to celebrate when she'd picked to become the Crown Princes wife and now her cousin was being sent to border for his crimes she'd schemed to marry him but not only had her aunt and uncle not take her volunteering seriously that brought some no name peasant in from their country estate to marry him.

She wanted to break that peasants womans bones and drink her blood.

She'd convinced her family and the other two branches to ignore her arrival to teach her humility, so she wouldn't believe herself worth more than what she was. Instead the woman had left, with the threat of informing the main family of their actions.

Whipping around she stormed out, she'd find out just where that bitch had went to stay and make her life a living hell.

The Next Day

Yuechan leaned her head back as she allowed the woman who was doing her hair to slowly work her oiled slick fingers through it. She'd had to explain of few things before she let her to

uch it, cause as she'd realized as the day went on more and more of her alternate racial characteristics were coming through. And those around didn't seem to notice but it made her feel more comfortable. As she leaned back she let her lashes lower and watched as the make up artist reached and picked up small porcelain jar and felt the corner of her lips arch up.

And glanced at her little wing birth mark.

Her secret that had immediately calmed her was that she'd been blessed with a space with a spring, and thick crops of varying plants. From farm plants to medicinal, plants she'd been forced to rear under those elders guidance. Near the crops was large house and in it there were all her cooking materials, yes when Elder Ghun had seen her ability in the kitchen he'd called over some of his chef friends who'd nag her to learn things from them too.

As she'd walked around she'd found the house was fully stock with everything and when she'd gone upstairs she'd found a room with her name on it just like her room at home in the states. When she'd entered a wave of melancholy swept over her for not seeing her family again, but she'd then been shocked when she'd been able to log on her computer and watcha youtube video.

Knowledge was power and she suddenly didn't feel so alone or bereft.

Anyway, that meant the make up the artist was using was her own.

"Here miss, take a bite of this it should tide you over till you head out," one of the girl servants said pressing a boiled egg to her lips.

"Mm," taking a bite Yuechan was couldn't help thinking about her husband to be.

Lu Yuxuan.

She recognized his name the minute she'd heard his name.

He was the Villian who'd been deemed a traitor to the emperor when he sided with the Third Prince in his attempt to coup. Though, the reason he'd sided with the third prince was due to Heroine's manipulation. She'd basically had purposely seduced this villain/second male lead and then convinced him that the crown prince was treating her horribly and when he decided to fight for her she played white lotus leaving him to fall alone.

Fool for love that he was, he never revealed what she'd done though his immediate family knew well enough. Originally he's banished to the border and died heroically defending it against the barbarians. While the crown prince honors him with paragraph and the heroines secretly laments using him but pats her bottom and rounds out his death as a necessary sacrifice.

Rising up, Yuechan allowed them to settle the intricate crown atop her head along with the red veil.

In the story there had been mention of him being forced to wed someone, but she hadn't thought it was a peasant girl.

Thinking this over, Yuechan was led out and in the foyer of the Inn she smiled when she saw the steward of Lu Yize. He didn't say anything but handed her a letter. Taking it, she pushed it into her sleeve.

"Master has already sent some words to the Lu Branch families. They will no longer be a hindrance to the blessed hour of the message. One of the Lu mistresses wanted to play a prank but they have been advised to remain in their courtyard for now."

"Tell Father-in-law, I am grateful for his care of me."

The steward gave a short nod, and turning around he waved a hand. "The bride is leaving."

This was repeated by the large retinue of servants outside who quickly lowered their gaze and knelt as Yuechan was escorted outside and placed within the sedan. Lifted up she crossed her arms closed her eyes and entered her space. 


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