Chapter One

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Chapter One

Cam walked along the dirt pounded road carrying a stack of firewood. Her head pounding from the harsh sun overhead. Her feet hurt from the straw slippers she wore, and the rough cloth of her clothing rubbed her skin raw.

She paused and glanced back when she heard what sounded of hooves hitting the ground. What she didn't expect was a large, ornate carriage to come barreling around the corner.

The carriage driver slapping the rump of the horses with his whip, his expression seemed pale and panicked. He seemed to be searching for something when his eyes landed on hers.

The two of them blankly stared at each other when she felt a chill at his look of excitement. The rumbling carriage was brought to short stop, the horses fighting at the bit and from behind the carriage what appeared to be shadows jumped from the back as the Carraige driver shouted. "I've found one."

Confused, Cam took a step back but in her exhausted and hot state she was no match for the men who were clearly well fed and warrior class. They rushed her, grabbed her up and knocked her out.

Cam wished she'd never gone to Asia for fun and to escape her grandparents.

That's right, Cam was a young woman who'd gone to Asia to have a good time after finishing four years of being a top scorer at a military academy. Her parents, grandparents and every relative were a proud participant in the US arm forces.

And it came more naturally to her to go into the academy than to go to Yale. Not that her family didn't enjoy augmenting their education by going to other schools. But, at some point it was expected for you two sign a contract with uncle sam. She'd agreed to go to the academy if they agreed she could do what she wanted for five years after she had till 30 to join the air force anyway.

So, she'd taken her degree and jumped on a NYU exchange student program and was ready to learn language, party and eat.

That's not what happened.

On the first day she spotted a few students circling one another and bullying her. She would have ignored it if it wasn't for her natural need to protect others.

 Call it a familial curse.

And that's how she met Hyojin Grant, a Korean-Chinese American who lived the definition of "Crazy Rich Asians" but Cam wasn't the type to try to be close to someone based off the things they had.

Due to her own families closeness to people who were considered "high rank" from and well connected. Since her elders weren't ever the type to leach onto people, she wasn't the type either. Anyway, Hyojin took it upon herself to be friends with Cam. From suddenly being Cam's dorm roommate to hanging/dragging Cam everywhere they became good friends.

Cam, who was the oldest in her family of four; was unphased as long there was good food involved she was willing to be dragged around. Until Hyojin decided to take her to meet her great-grandfather who lived in some remote area in his country. She'd only gone with the promise of barbecue and home brewed wine.

...This was her first mistake.

Her second mistake was spotting Great-grandfather Lu outside doing some Tai Chi and joining along. She'd always had an easy time when it came to physical stuff. If she'd noticed at the time his surprised look followed by deep calculating one she'd have run but...she didn't.

When he showed her something she happily went along until at some point she realized she was actually moving through wushu movements. The only reason she could name the style is because she'd always been a fan of jet li growing up. She decided to keep that to herself unless the old man decided to whack her.

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