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IM BACK BAYBEEE😝😝 I MISSED WATTPADDD IVE BEEN USING CHARACTER AI SO SORRY GUYSSSS😣😣 BUTTT IM SUPER INTO FORMULA RACING RN AND GOLLY GOSH IS IT EXCITING!!! ANYWAYSSS IVE MISSED WRITING BUT I GOT LIKE A SUPER BAD WRITER BLOCK ON MY OTHER STORY ANF JUST STOPED ALL TOGETHER ON MY WRITING😭 ANYWAYSSS THIS BOOK IS MAINLY FLUFF BCUZ I DONT KNOW HOW TO WRITE SMUT AS GOOD AS THE OTHER WRITERS LMFAO BUT ILL BE WRITING ABOUT: Kimi A, Lando N, Carlos S, Charles L, Arthur L, Ollie B, Paul A, Max V, Sergio P, Fernando A, Yuki T, Oscar P, Lewis H, Lance S, and all the other teams ! I honestly hope I finish this and like keep it a thing over the summer and the last weeks of school. If I don't i'm sorry my sillys. That's basically it, I wanna try to work on it every weekend/Friday night. I'll try to update it as best I can but I can't promise anything.. I'll try smut but if it's bad i'm sorry 😣 Y/N will be curvy but have any hair you'd want and eyes n stuff like that. Lana Del Rey is my main inspiration to write again don't know why but she is, especially Salvatore and National Anthem. I'll try to include the languages they speak and like culture but i'll probably have to translate words to be perfect cause I can only translate for Sergio cause i'm Mexican so if I get anything wrong tell me so I could fix it, I'm also typing with long nails so if I get a typo sorry sillys!! But that's basically it, just wanted to do a silly update and try a new story for my new obsession 😝


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