Chapter 10

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I woke up that morning with butterflies in my stomach and a good morning text message. I smiled and responded back with a good morning. I got out of bed with my phone and walked out of my room to see Yuqi and Soojin out like a light still. I laughed at them and took a photo of them for memories.

I walked over to Ryujin's room, hoping she was awake even though it was 8 in the morning. I knocked on her door, and surprisingly, she was awake. I walked into her room after hearing her say, "Come in."

“Morning,” I said in a soft voice.

“Morning. Did you need something?” Ryujin asked while looking up away from her phone.

“You said you wanted to see the text messages. You still wanna see them?” I questioned her.

Ryujin put her phone down and reached her hand towards me to get my phone. I handed it to her and then laid on her bed. Ryujin sat there scrolling through the text messages. She seemed very invested in them.

“Soooo, what do you think,” I asked in a cautious tone.

“What do I think? Girl, I think you’re the luckiest girl on the planet right now.” Ryujin stated.

I was confused. “Why do you think I’m lucky?” I questioned her.

Ryujin shook her head at me. “First of all, you got your crush’s number, and second he’s not a dry texter. I know a lot of dry texters, my mom being one of them.”

I felt a little flustered by her comments because they were true.

“Girl, why didn’t you change his name. You still got it as a random number. Change it now.” Ryujin pushed my phone back into my hands.

”Ok, jeez, I will. Once I find out what to name him.” I rolled eyes at Ryujin as she just shrugged her shoulders and laid back down.

“Well, I’m making some hangover soup for these two gremlins. Do you want anything?” I asked.

Ryujin just shook her head while focusing on her phone. So, I just turned around and walked out her door thinking of what to name him on my phone. I walked to the kitchen while walking past the girls, still knocked out. 

When I got into the kitchen, I went to the fridge to get the ingredients to make some hangover soup for the girls. I started making the soup and heard some groaning coming from the couch. I figured the girls were awake. Well, at least one of them was.

It was Soojin who was making that noise trying to get up off the couch. I just chuckled at her as she fell off the couch. Soojin had finally got up off the floor and walked towards the kitchen like a zombie.

“What time is it?” Soojin asked, scratching her messed up hair.

“It’s 9:00 in the morning.” I stated.

“Oh, wait, don’t you have class?” She asked in a groggy voice.

“Yes, but the teacher decided to give us a later start today, and I have no idea why. Don’t you have class too?” I questioned her as I added more stuff to the soup.

Soojin's eyes winded, and she threw her head in her hands while shaking her head.

“NooOOooOOoo, I forgot it was Thursday, I thought it was Saturday or something. Now I’m probably gonna have to stay after class to get my morning work done.”

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