Chapter 6

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While I was walking to class, which was only a couple blocks away, I saw Dino walking on the same path that I was and rushed toward him.

“DINO, wait up.” He turned around to see a smiling me.

“What’s up tater tot,” he smiled while rubbing my head.

“I still don’t know why you call me that,” I uttered while taking deep breaths.

“I don’t know either, but I’m not gonna stop calling you that.” He grinned at me, and I just rolled my eyes at him in annoyance.

“Are you ready for the test,” I asked in a noticeable shaky voice as I gulped.

“Not really, but I think I will do good.” Dino stated. He looked over at me, and I'm guessing he saw my anxiousness.

“You good, you seem very anxious.” He put his hand on my shoulder with concern.

“I am very anxious, I’ve studied for this test, but I feel like I won't do well,” I'm looking at the ground with a sad sigh. He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer.

“You worry too much, you’ll do amazing, just don’t overthink, you do that a lot.” He says while rubbing my arm, I looked up and smiled at him.

“You always know how to make me feel better.” We both giggled as we walked into the main doors.

We walked down the hallway to our lecture hall. We walked in the lecture hall and saw Seulgi and Minho talking to each other. Seulgi noticed us walk in and flagged us down to come over. Minho looked over to who she was waving at and smiled when he saw us.

“It’s about time y’all came,” Seulgi said with a joking voice.

I shook my head at her, and we both started laughing.


As we were talking, the professor came in, and we turned around in our seats.

“Ok class, we are taking the test in a couple of minutes, so make sure there is nothing on your desk EXCEPT a pencil,” the professor reported then walked out the room to grab the test papers.

Me and Dino turned back around to talk to them.

“Mijoo, you ready for the test, we all know how nervous you get before tests,” Minho said with a grin on his face.

I was gonna hit him on the arm, but released I did that too much and stopped myself.

“Yeah I’m ready, Dino already helped me calm down,” as I poked Dino in the arm.

Minho and Seulgi gave me a thumbs up for good luck. Then the professor walked back in, and we turned back away.

“Okay kiddos, phones on silent and in your book bag, make sure there's nothing on your desk, but a pencil,” the professor said as he passed out the test papers.


The professor got done passing out the papers, and Dino and I mouthed ‘Good Luck’ to each other.

“Alright, the test has started, NO TALKING OR CHEATING,” the professor yelled.

I opened the test and completely blanked out, but then I remembered Dino’s words and calmed down.


The test was going well, Dino occasionally bumped my leg to see if I was okay. I did get stuck on a couple of questions, which made me nervous. It seems like the test was going by quicker than usual, making me do the test a little bit quicker than usual.

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