☏7- ᴛʜᴇ ᴅʀᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ

Start from the beginning

But then I saw Do-hyun leaving the more simple house. 

─Akari? I didn't know you would come. ─He said. ─I was just going to Dustin's house, c'mon.

He went to the door of the other house and I followed him, he rang the doorbell. After some seconds, Dustin opened it.

─I can't believe you're late living next door! ─Dustin said to Do-hyun. ─Oh, and I'm glad you could make it, Akari.

We both followed Dustin to the living room where Rey and Robin were waiting, in the TV was a paused videogame.

─Oh, hey, you're here. ─Rey said.

─Hi! What took you so long? ─Robin asked.

─I was feeling kinda lazy. ─Do-hyun said and sat on the couch beside Rey.

─My mom took some time to give me permission to come, she's at work, so, you know. ─I said and stood there.

─Oh, yeah, totally understandable. ─Robin said. On the couch, there was space for three people, who were Robin, Rey, and Do-hyun. Dustin sat on the floor next to the couch, so I decided to do the same.

Rey and Dustin were playing a video game against each other, Robin and Do-hyun were watching and I was checking Twitter on my phone.

─You'll see, you don't have any chance to win. ─Rey said teasing Dustin.

─You say that but I never saw someone that bad at this game. ─Dustin replied.

I looked at the TV for a second just to see why they were being so competitive and I noticed they were playing Mario Kart. I just rolled my eyes and continued to focus on my phone.

─I'm getting bored, when will you two let me and Robin play? ─Do-hyun complained.

─Once this race is over, oh, we could all play together, I have two more controllers somewhere. ─Dustin said.

─But we're five. ─Robin said.

─Don't worry, I don't wanna play. ─I said without taking my eyes off the phone. ─When will we talk about the project? I don't want to go back home late.

─Of course, we can talk about it before playing. ─Do-hyun said, I just nodded.


─So, I guess we're over. ─Robin spoke.

─Yes! Mario Kart! ─Do-hyun said.

─I think I'll be going, see you guys around. ─I said and got up.

─Wait, Akari, I wanted to talk to you before you go. ─Robin called me.

─Hm, okay. 

─Alone. ─She completed her sentence and the other guys left the room.

─Will you ask me to join the band again? ─I asked.

─Yes, but in a different way this time.

─Robin, please, I thought I had already made it clear that I don't wanna join.

─Akari, just hear me out, okay? I'm sure I'll change your mind.

─No, I'm going home, I'm tired of this. 

I got up and she got up as well.

─No, you're not! Because I'm also tired, tired of you despising us like we're not good enough to be your friends, we wanted to make something cool and include you in it but it seems like it's just not good enough for you because you're perfect in everything you do, so everything around you has to be perfect as well, thing always have to be your way, I just wanted to have a conversation with you, wait here in silence until you wanted to talk because I wanted to try doing things your way! But maybe I'm not good enough to be talking to you, no one is, that's why you're always alone.

She was wrong, I wanted to tell her she was wrong, but I didn't, because I was no one to tell her that, she was wrong about the way she spoke about me, but what she was feeling wasn't wrong, she had the right to feel that way about me, and I am no one to change her mind.

─I'm going home, I came here to talk about the school project and I did. ─I walked to the door.

─I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scream. ─She said.

─It's okay, Robin. ─I said and closed the door behind me.


I was in my room, staring at my drum set one more time, feeling unable to sleep.

─It's so embarrassing to receive a lecture from someone younger. ─I said to myself, I got up and sat on the stroll, I wasn't going to play the drums, I didn't want to wake up my mom, I just wanted to remember the feeling, the feeling that I never really forgot. That night was cold, I noticed I had left the curtains open for the last eight months, and my drums were already full of dust, I didn't know if time passed by and I hadn't noticed or If I had frozen in time.

It wasn't my fault my dad left, it isn't my fault he won't visit me anymore, I didn't need to blame myself. I got up and went to the kitchen, I got a cloth, I left it under the opened fausset and when it was wet enough, I twisted it.

─Akari, it's 3 AM, what are you doing? ─My mom woke up.

─I'll clean my drums. ─I said.

She smiled and hugged me. ─That's wonderful, honey.


Now it was lunchtime, Robin was sitting with the rest of the guys at a table, I took a deep breath, went in their direction, and stood in front of them.

─I'm in.


Total: 1517 words.

This one was the saddest chapter I've ever written. See you next chapter. ♥︎

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