Two souls intertwined

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In Hogwarts' halls where magic thrives,
Two souls crossed paths, on serendipitous drives.
One clad in blue, the Ravenclaw wise,
The other in yellow, with Hufflepuff ties.

In the library's depths, they chanced to meet,
Pages turned, hearts skipped, in rhythms sweet.
A quest for knowledge, a thirst for truth,
Bound them together, in the prime of youth.

With wit and wisdom, they shared their dreams,
In moonlit nights, by enchanted streams.
From Diagon Alley to the Forbidden Forest's shade,
Their bond grew strong, as Hogwarts' secrets they braved.

The Ravenclaw's intellect, sharp as a wand's spell,
The Hufflepuff's kindness, a gentle, soothing well.
In their differences, they found harmony's grace,
Two halves of a whole, in a magical embrace.

Through trials and triumphs, they journeyed hand in hand,
Through enchanted mazes and shifting sand.
For in each other's eyes, they found their home,
In the wizarding world, where love's magic is known.

So let the owls hoot and the stars above,
Bear witness to this tale of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff love.
For in Hogwarts' halls, where wonders unfold,
Their story of devotion, forever told.

Poems Hogwarts & wizarding world حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن