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Normally girls shave their legs when you wear shorts and skirts. Armpit shaved for you going into special events (like going into a prom, dinner, and being an actress.)

Keeping body hair can help reduce the risk of HPV infection. HPV is spread through skin-to-skin contact if shaved fully, the body can act as a physical barrier between the genital areas, reducing the chances of direct contact. Additionally, maintaining good hygiene and avoiding sharing personal items such as underwear or razors can also help prevent the transmission. Overall, while keeping body hair may have some protective benefits, it is a substitute for effective prevention methods, such as vaccination, safe sex practices, and regular check-ups with a healthcare provider. The idea that body hair acts as a protective barrier is based on the fact that the virus is primarily transmitted through skin-to-skin contact. Hair provides an additional layer of protection between an infected person and their sexual partner, which may reduce the likelihood of viral transmission. Additionally, hairs also trap viruses and are a physical barrier that can also prevent a person's own genitals from contacting infected surfaces or bodily fluids.


Here are some of the reason you might consider keeping your pubic hair:

It provides protection against friction that can cause skin irritation in this sensitive area.

It helps reduce the amount of sweat produced around the vagina.

It helps block your vagina from the following bacteria and infections:

Sexually transmitted infections.

Urinary tract infections.

Yeast infections.

It helps regulate body temperature.

It is NOT more hygienic to remove pubic hair.

If to shave while you are married, that's different.

Keep this information in mind! Your pubic hair serves an important purpose.

"But the downside of shaving is that it can actually be less hygienic or sanitary than leaving your pubic hair natural. Shaving can lead to an increased risk of bacteria, infections, and irritation."

- Kimberly Hannah Edwards

it can hurt sensitive skin, leading to rashes, ingrown hairs, and infection. If you choose to shave, wait until you're married to shave your pubic area now.

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