Though a war zone wasn't exactly the place she wanted to live out her existence, but she wasn't in an disadvantage she brushed a hand over her wrist where a faded design remained.

The Madame frowned, her eyes narrowing. "You shouldn't be too greedy it might lead to a bad outcome."

Cam smiled, "I don't think it's too much to ask if my brother can be brought with me?"

This body had a younger brother who'd been a bright five-year-old, until an accident had stolen his smile. He'd fallen off a cliff, and luckily survived but he limped and because of it was mocked and treated like dog by the Gou family.

"I am willing to marry your son and accompany you to the border. I don't fear war or struggle, but I can see from your clothes and nature that this family is well off. I want four things, one; if my husband, your son doesn't treat me with respect and kindness I can request a blameless divorce with no demands on me. A simple and clean divorce, I will not remain with a man who beats me or causes harm to those I come to care for. Two; any thing I do that may lead prosperous outcome will not be seen as your families property unless I contractually sign it over. Three; if my husband and I do become a real couple and I have children I can give one of those children my property and they can inherit my wealth separate from this family. And four, if he takes a concubine, sleep mate or a consort to his bed I will be given right to divorce and aside from the first son all children will be given to me."

"W-what, how could I—," shocked by the young girls words the Madame tried to work through it. She'd never heard of a woman so openly of Divorce. It was something that no one ever wished for, and some woman would rather die than deal with the dishonor. "How could you mention divorce, such a thing would be seen as a dishonorably thing to happen."

"What is dishonor? Can I eat it? I prefer to focus on my happiness and having a long life than something that only matters to those who have wealth and power to defend it. Also, my brother coming with me is no negotiable, but the other things are up to discussion, uh, I also would like a dowry."


Madam Lu Jiayi was shocked by the girls demands and as she walked to see her Master Lu Yize. As she passed the servants lowered their heads once she entered the Masters courtyard she didn't wait to be announced and entered his room where he sat sipping tea as he stared at the Go board in front of him.

He didn't look up as he elegantly moved another black piece. "What did she say?"

Lu Jiayi told him Cams demands and frowned waiting for his words.

A low chuckle emanated from the elegant older man, and he set his cup aside brushing his hand down his short beard. "Honor is for those who have the power to defend it, indeed."

"Master, we can't support her demands for divorce can we? What if she claims he harmed her? Will our Yuxuan be bullied by her?"

Lu Yize turned his gaze on her, "Did she appear to be the type to do such a thing?"

Lu Jiayi though back to the girl she'd left behind, and thinking back to her clear gaze and open manner she reluctantly shook her head. "...No. She seemed to be open and calm and even said aside from her desire to have her brother accompany her she would be willing to discuss the other things."

Yize stood with the help of his servant and walked over to the large window that overlooked the bamboo forest near his room. The breeze brought along their smell which was pleasant and head clearing. "Agree to her demands. It is our luck that the Wu girl cut ties and ran away. From what you're telling this young woman may be a better partner for our son."

"Husband," Lu Jiayi stood. "How can you say that? Wu was elegant and knew the six arts. She was one of the top beauties of our capital."

"Yes, but does Wu girl know what it is to starve? Does she know what it is to survive and what it means to go without? The virtures that would make her good wife for Yuxuan in the capital could be negative traits for her once she's in the wild. Clearly, the Wu family believed this which is why the quickly cut ties with our Lu family and stopped us at the gates. Soon, the crown prince will turn his eyes to our family. It is better to send as many Lu to the border with Lu Yuxuan."

Lu Jiayi pressed her lips together and lowered her head. Wishing she could go and tear the face of that demon woman who'd ensorcelled her son to love her, there by ruining his rise to power.

Yes, her husband was right. The girl despite her appearance was honest and easier to talk to. None of the cunning of that Wu girl or that witch in the palace. She much preferred it.

"You have two months to prepare her, her brother and her dowry. In two months the emperor will send the sentence they must be ready by then," Lu Yize said turning around to face her.

"Yes, I will ensure it's done."

With that Lu Jiayi swept from he room. She'd make sure her son had the perfect wife and if she had to give that wife her left foot she would.

And when her son returned triumphant she'd step on the heads of those who'd dragged her Lu family down. 


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