ch1 ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ beginnings

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The teens gathered beneath their usual spot—a towering tree surrounded by a few picnic tables, three of which they occupied due to their large numbers. Suddenly, the principal's voice echoed throughout the school, announcing the temporary cancellation of after-school activities due to safety concerns. The news of Ghostface's latest murder quickly spread through the sleepy town, where the sporadic slayings were the only events that stirred interest every few years. Despite the early hour, five teens were already lounging at their spot, waiting for their friends to arrive so they could engage in typical teenage chatter.

"Have you all caught wind of that murder last night?" wes started. "yeah it's crazy"Liv, a statuesque figure with vibrant pink hair and dramatic makeup, sat beside her boyfriend, his muscular arm draped around her shoulders stated back.

"How could you miss it? It's the only thing everyone's talking about," Mindy chimed in, her enthusiasm for horror movies evident in her tone.

"Seems like these killings pop up every now and then," Chad, the school's star footballer and Liv's boyfriend, remarked, surprisingly engaged in the conversation despite his usual focus on football and his girlfriend.

His sister then decided to interject as usual, adding her perspective, "Yeah, it's always some loser with nothing better to do, getting his kicks by hiding behind a mask."

"Ew, Mindy, too much detail," Chad interjected with a smirk, joining the conversation again.

"Says the guy who's probably planning his next prank," Mindy shot back playfully.

"yeah watch your back ESPECIALLY WHEN YOUR SLEEPING"

"try me" mindy mouthed back

"guys this is serious stuff , taser? check! pepper spray? check! -"
"girlfriend repellant? check" amber cut him off mocking him before laughing and continuing her next sentance.
"Don't sweat it, Wesley. You're already a pro at repelling potential girlfriends," Amber retorted, her tone teasing.

The banter between the two was intense, resembling a feud between bitter enemies, even though it was all in jest. It was a familiar routine: wes would say something, and Amber would find a way to tease him about it, leading to a playful argument that could last for minutes until their friends intervened.

As their usual morning argument raged on, the other two members of their group approached their tables.

"Hey, guys," greeted the shorter of the pair as they approached the table, receiving a warm chorus of hellos as they settled into their seats, with the shorter girl seated beside mindy.

speaking of mindy , Mindy couldn't resist a sarcastic remark, spreading her arms wide with a playful grin. "Well, well, if it isn't the thing 1 and thing 2?"

Eager to join in, Amber pretended to be hurt by the idea of being excluded from their trio. "Hey, I'm part of that duo too,thing 3 is just as important" she protested, only to be comforted by her girlfriend, Y/N, who wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close.
"i love you ambs but there isn't such thing as thing 3"
As Amber pouted, Y/N reassured her, "Aww" rubbing her arm affectionately. Amber smiled, leaning into her, and they exchanged brief greetings and a quick kiss.

"So, what were we talking about?" Y/N asked, linking arms with Amber and continuing to stroke her side as they turned to face each other.

Chad spoke up, his tone heavy with frustration. "That Ghostface murder from last night! it was ridiculous."

"true but I can't help but wonder who might be next," Mindy chimed in, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Though she hadn't meant to say it aloud, her love for horror movie plots got the best of her.

"Good Lord, Mindy, could you be any cruder?" Amber scolded, shooting her a disapproving frown. Mindy merely shrugged in response.

"I think it's wise if we all stick together during times like these," Chad suggested, trying to shift the conversation to a more practical focus.

"I'm still not accepting your Find My Fam request, Chad," Liv, Chad's girlfriend, retorted with a scoff.

"Come on, it's for our safety. If you know where I am and I know where you are, we'll both feel more secure," Chad argued persuasively. He had been trying to convince Liv to accept his Find My Fam request for months now, but the pink-haired girl remained stubbornly resistant, for reasons unknown.

Liv rolled her eyes, teasingly remarking, "You're starting to make me feel like one of my Sim villagers."

"The cutest Sim villager," Chad countered with a grin, earning an exaggerated gag from Amber.

"Ugh, get a room, you two!" Amber playfully called out, sticking her tongue out, eliciting chuckles from some of the teens nearby.

As Chad shifted the conversation back to the town's most pressing topic, the light-hearted banter about the couple's playful exchange quickly faded.

"Some guy posted the photos from last night," Chad continued, his eyes glued to his phone screen. "It's pretty gruesome stuff."

At the mention of the crime scene photos, Mindy's eyes widened, as if they were about to pop out of her skull. Though not typically interested in such morbid details, she couldn't help but feel a thrill at the mention of them.

"Straight through his jowls, submental and neck region. Super clean cut," Chad described, his tone serious and grim.

"let me see closer!" mindy says while takes chads phone.

"You're such a weirdo, Mindy," Amber blurted out, clearly repulsed by her friend's excessive interest in the gruesome topic.

Y/N quickly intervened to admonish Amber's harsh response to Mindy's fascination with macabre subjects. "Hey, hey, let's not be rude."

As the group's unofficial mediator, Y/N always strove to maintain harmony and crack the jokes of course . If any conflicts arose, she she was your girl. also captain of the cheer and part of the student body alongside her "choir" group (literally glee)

"I'm feeling sick just thinking about it," Tara spoke up for the first time, clutching her elbow in discomfort. It was the first indication of her discomfort in the conversation.

Unlike Mindy, Tara didn't share the same fervor for horror movies, but she did appreciate the genre more than any other.

Y/N reached out to comfort Tara, gently rubbing her knee. "Try not to dwell on it too much," she offered soothingly. "it'll be okay T" she smiles.

Tara responded with a soft smile, still feeling a bit uneasy about the topic of gore.

Amber briefly glanced at her girlfriend's hand before returning her attention to Tara, offering a reassuring smile.

As everyone engaged in their own side conversations, Liv suddenly gasped, leaning forward on her elbows. "Is that... Vince?"

All eyes turned to the parking lot, where a bearded man with shaggy brown hair, clad in a purple button-down shirt and black ripped skinny jeans, stood beside a black convertible.

oh god...

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