𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟑 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒆 ★ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 5

Start from the beginning

Aang finished tying his bandana, he took a few steps forward. He slammed down his left foot for his last step.

You assume he was using seismic sens, since he didn't take any other steps after the foot slam down Toph attacked him first. Sending different pillars of rock out of the ground.

Aang seemed to sense them before even an inch of the pillar rose from the ground. He dodged them all easily, swerving between the pillars as they erupted from the rocky mountain floor.

Aang turned his direction towards Katara, Water launching at him. Aang redirected it back to Katara, catching her off guard. He took this chance to take a small boulder of rock and launch towards Toph.

Toph caught it with her bare hand. A proud smirk on her face.

"Good Job, twinkle-Toes! Visualize, then attack!" Toph shouted to him.

She sent back the boulder to the sender, but Aang dodged it. Burying himself in the ground. The boulder ended up hitting Katara knocking her to the ground.

"Maybe you should take your own advice, Toph!" Katara spat.

"What's the matter? Can't handle some dirt, Madame Fussy Britches." Toph teased, with a cocky smirk.

Kataras eyes widened as one of her brows twitched with anger. Katara rose a wall of water from the river behind her. Making a small doorway in the water so it would avoid her and Aang then if closing just in time for it wash over Toph.

"Oh sorry, did I splash you, Mud Slug?" Katara asked with a teasing baby voice.

Your eyes widened in shock feeling the thick tension between the two. Knowing Katara she was challenging Toph to a fight.

And knowing Toph she would accept it with honor.

Toph formed a slide of rocks under her, riding the rocks toward katara. Katara did the same thing, freezing ice under her and riding her way towards Toph.

Aang did a swift movement, stopping them both in their tracks. Katara flew onto to Toph, both of them flying into the mud made by Katara.

"Are we taking a break?" Aang question. The bandana still on his head.

"AHHH SNEAK ATTACK!" You heard Sokka yell

You turned your head towards Sokka, his hand launched in the air as he ran towards Aang. Aang made a quick rock wall for Sokka to run into.

Sokka ran into the wall, causing him to collapse onto the ground.

"Sokka, sneak attacks don't work if you yell it out loud." Aang softly lectured.

You took some moisture out of the air, forming a ball of water. You threw at the back of Aangs head.

"Now that's, a sneak attack." You grinned with pride.

"Hey, That's not fair! I wasn't paying attention." Aang argued.

"That's the point of a sneak attack.." You rolled your eyes with a chuckle

Aang looked behind you with a confused look on his face. You were confused as well as you turned your head

Toph and Katara were currently fighting in the mud, both of them covered in it.

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