And So It Bagends

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Harlow's pov

Standing on my hind legs I bang both my paws on the door. When a small man opens the door I bow my head in greeting "Oh hello." Says the man. I recognize that he is a hobbit, Gandalf told me about them then a voice I recognized all to well "she will not come in unless you invite her Bilbo." "Oh, yes do come in." He opens the door wider for me I bark softly as a thank you and wipe my paws on the mat.

I make my way to Gandalf just to see him sitting with some other hobbits, no not hobbits, dwarves. "Hello dear Harlow, I see you made it here in one piece." He said jokingly. "Why is there an animal here, Gandalf?" Says a ruff voice "ah Thorin, let me introduce Harlow, she will be the company's guard." He looks down at me and I bow my head at him. "How do we know she can be trusted?" "I know her personally, she is one of the most loyal, kind and caring person anyone will meet." He nods his head and continues to talk I lay my head on the ground, when the Hobbit from before put down some meat and a bowl of water and whispered "I managed to grab that before the dwarves got to them." I lick his cheek as a thank you. I had not had dinner before I left to come to Middle-Earth. "Well aren't you a kind one"

When I finished eating, I heard a thud. I jumped up to see Bilbo on the ground. I walk over to him and put my ear to his chest. Once I make sure he's okay I bark at Gandalf one to let him know that Bilbo is fine. Gandalf took him to a different room.

Everyone moved to a different room and sat down. I sat by Thorin's feet listening to the sad song they all sang.

Far over the misty mountains cold

To dungeons deep and caverns old

We must away ere break of day

To find our long-forgotten gold

The pines were roaring on the height

The winds were moaning in the night

The fire was red, it flaming spread

The trees like torches blazed with light

As I fell asleep I listened until the end. As I felt someone's hand run through my fur as I drift off to sleep. The dark welcoming me like an old friend with the warmest hugs.

(I cry every time I listen to that song. The next chapter will be Thorin's POV.)

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