Thank You for Reading

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To everyone that has read this, through the time that I published the first chapter to now, thank you.

I know it has been a long journey, several years in the making, but I am happy to announce that this is the end of "The Dragon Girl". I apologize for taking so long to finish this. Writer's block hit me hard in 2018 and did not fully leave me until I graduated from college in 2023. I have also dealt with multiple other changes in my life, which led me to take a long, LONG, break from writing. I sincerely thank everyone who was supported this book by reading and sharing it, as well as my other works that I hope to work on soon and finish.

However, do not be sad, as I am now starting to write the beginning of a sequel, which is to take place during the time period of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. You will soon see Wisteria return and navigate her way through the trials and tribulations that come with the emergence of Sauron. 

Here's to the future, and thank you for reading!

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