Chapter 5

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Icepaw walked out of the clearing Brightheart was right in front of her 

"stop." Brightheart skidded to a halt and sniffed the area

"DOG!" Cloudtale yowled as a huge dog lunged out of the bracken

Icepaw was pinned to the ground and was heaved upwards and thrown into a bush of thorns

They felt like claws scraping her pelt 

I have to get out of here

she twisted back and forth till the torn let go of her pelt

"Help!" Brightheart despret yowl 

Cloudtale rushed from where the dog had throne him 

suddenly a black and white cat leapt on top of the dog and sank his teeth into it's shoulder

blood went flying as it try to to fling the tom off it's back  blood pooled out to the ground leaving a mini lake before the dog dropped to the ground 

"Is it dead?" Icepaw said as she aproched it smelled like it had been eat crowfood for most of it's life

the black and white tom didn't reply insted he raced towerds Brightheart 

"It looks like I had to save you agin, "the tom said his pale amber eyes were clear 

"Who are you?" 

"Brightpaw how do you not remember me," the toms gaze saddened

"No it can't be-" "Swiftpaw!"

The duo bounced around each other like a pair of kit's and started to play fight 

Cloudtale watched jealousy from behind

"Why is he doing that" Icepaw thought to herself but then another voice interrupted her thought 

"Because Swiftpaw's death was the whole reason Cloudtale and Brightheart became mates if  Swiftpaw is here then that all crumbles"

"did you hear  that?" Icepaw asked

"No and we need to get back to camp remember tonight's a gathering" Cloudtale responded blood drooled out of his hindleg he limped but managed to lead the patrol back to camp

********At the gathering island********


"Hi a light grey she-cat with darker flecks greeted her

Moorpaw could see a scar on her paw 

she must be a warrior apprentice 

Moorpaw remember when Harestar had told her she would have to go to SkyClan to be trained by tree for some time

"are you okay?" 

Moorpaw turned around to find a pale grey and cinnamon colored tom tapping on her

Moorpaws heart started to beat faster

"Y-Y-yes" She said as she backed off and ran to a clear spot with nothing but the sounds of the lake lapping on the shore, and a good view of the leaders.

her heart was beating as if it was on fire!

"Why am I feeling this way," "I should not be feeling like this, that cat is from a different clan." 

 she turned away from the shore to listen to the leaders speak

"ThunderClan will start first" Tigerstar growled 

"Firestar has died so I Bramblestar am now leader"

"Bramblestar, Bramblestar!" the gathering yowled

Bramblestar flicked his tale to silence the crowd

"ThunderClan also has new kits! Leafpool found to rouge kits at the border they will be raised by Squirrelflight and Ashfur. there names are Crowkit and Blossomkit"

"And I almost forgot my new deputy will be Thornclaw. now Leafstar?"

"SkyClan is well we chased off a dog and that is all"

"Wait Leafstar," Harestar started "We have an apprentice and her calling is to be a meaditor"

"So your saying you want to borrow tree." The brown and cream she-cat eyes were cold

"No but could she stay in SkyClan to train?"

"Well we would have to feed her"

"What  if WindClan gave you some prey each moon" Mothstar butted in

"all right she will stay with us for 5 moons" Leafstar concluded 

*************At the end of the gathering**********************

Moorpaw started to leave 

it felt strange going with SkyClan 

her eyes drifted over to the tom she had meet before

"Oh no he's SkyClan"

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