"Would it be okay if i left Harry with you and came back to collect him later? As much as i would love to stay I have a meeting tonight with the other carers that i need to get to." She said, placing a bag down beside Severus' couch where the two boys had settled themselves, they began chatting away happily as Harry looked around admiring the surprisingly cosy and warm lit room.

"That's no worry Autumn, Draco often ends up staying the night and I am up till the late hours of the night anyway most day's. Just come by when you have finished up all you need to do. Its no problem at all."

"That is wonderful, I have a bag with some of Harry's things should you need them and i shrunk down his toy monkey and put him in the bag as well should he need it. I shall see you later."

"You as well. Harry, say bye to Autumn." He called over his shoulder.

"Bu' Bye Autumn!" The little called from the couch. Immediately resuming his conversation with the blonde.


"Ooh, oh, Sev, now we are both your Godson does that mean Harry has his own room down here too?" Draco asked after they had sat chatting about quidditch, Draco definitely leading the conversation and teaching Harry everything he needed to know.

"Eventually, yes, but until then you will share your room. Why don't you give Harry a tour of my quarters, but rememb-"

"Don't go in the potions lab. Yeah yeah, I know." He replied imitating Severus' voice as best he could.

"And enough of your cheek young man or you will go straight back to your own dorm for the night." He chided the young boy as Draco quickly scurried from the room, dragging a little Harry in tow.

"So this is Sev's room, then this is my room." He said, leading them down a corridor just off of the living room. Then they walked back where they came from, crossed the living room and came to another corridor. "And this, is the kitchen, the bathroom and that is the potion lab but we aren't allowed in there unless we are with Severus cause its too dangerous, especially for little's."

"Hey, no fair." Harry crossed his arms and pouted, trying to look mad and failing terribly.

"There's nothing wrong with that you know, being a little. I always wanted to be a big brother and now technically I am, isn't that cool!"

"Yeah, i guess so!"


After many rounds of exploding snap later. Which Harry had found absolutely hilarious and spent half the time rolling around on the floor in fits of giggles, particularly when the cards exploded in the potion masters hands and singed his fingertips. The three Slytherin's were relaxing in the living room, little Harry was now exhausted, curled up asleep with his head in Draco's lap who was also beginning to nod off whilst reading one of Severus' 'boring' books.

Severus sat watching the two fondly, a small smile tugging at his lips as he watched over his two godson's. Seeing Draco getting along well with the smaller Slytherin brought him a sense of happiness and pride, knowing that Draco had always wanted a sibling and now him and Harry were technically godbrothers, Severus had been able to give him something he longed for.

Looking up he noticed the blonde had dropped the book which was slipping off his lap. Draco's head leaning against the back of the couch, mouth open as he softly snored in his sleep.

Standing and making his way to the two boys Severus caught the book before it hit the floor and then scooped up Harry and the bag Autumn had left with him, taking him into the next room to change him into a new diaper and footed pyjama's for the night. He made quick work of the change without waking the little boy and carried him back through to the living room, laying him on the sofa and re-sizing monkey to place with him, along with his monkey paci which he immediately latched onto as he buried his face into the soft toy in his sleep. Then he carried Draco back to his bedroom and changed him into his green striped pyjamas he kept in Severus' quarters, when he sleeps over at night, and tucked him into bed, placing a soft kiss to the boy's forehead, whispering "goodnight dragon" and leaving the room.


Around half an hour later Autumn arrived with a quiet knock to his door.

"Hello, Autumn, how was your evening?" He greeted her upon opening the door.

"All went well," she said stepping inside and spotting Harry snuggled up with monkey on the couch, a soft smile gracing her lips. "we discussed going over a more structured plan for Harry, so there is more understanding of how he spends his day, which would be good for him i believe. I think it would be great for you to join us with that also, if you would like to?"

"Of course, i will be there, just drop me a message with when and where."

"I hope Harry has had a good evening?" Autumn asked, gesturing to the sleeping little on the couch.

"Indeed, both boy's got along very well, all in all it was a good night, I would be happy for this to become a more regular thing, maybe we can discuss that in the meeting also?"

"I'm sure Harry would love that, and Draco too i assume?"

"Absolutely, at the mention of the boy's having to share a bedroom they were practically sparking at the fingertips.! Tomorrow, as it is the weekends I will work on re-arranging the room for the both of them, perhaps he could stay the night tomorrow too, see how he get's along with being here for the night?"

"Oh, also, didn't you have to take Harry back to Gringott's sometime, perhaps tomorrow morning i could bring Harry to your quarters and he could spend the day with you. Then we can get rid of those horrible potions and compulsions, I hate the idea of them in his system any longer." Autumn spoke with a hint of hatred in her voice.

"That would definitely be a good idea, thinking about it. How about you bring him by after breakfast. I will be here awaiting your arrival." Severus replied, feeling relieved that they would be able to rid his godson of the dark magic Albus cast upon him.

"That's wonderful," Autumn said as she made her way to the sofa, shrinking Harry's monkey and gathering his things then scooping up the sleeping little and cradling his head to her chest. "I shall see you tomorrow morning around 9."

"Have a goodnight, Autumn."

"You too Severus."

With the living room of his quarters now empty and a peaceful night's sleep ahead of him Severus headed to bed, thankful to be able to soon spend more time with his two godson's. He would never admit it but he was very grateful for them both, they were the highlight of his life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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